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Amaris POV

I can't believe Ava is gone I don't know what to do or how to feel I don't know how to feel anymore... My sister is gone I can never see her smile it's gonna be a while when I see her face again. When the people you love are gone you start to remember every detail of what they did when they were alive, now with Ava she was still afraid off the dark. Whenever I visited she would make me turn off the lights when she was all tucked in and ready. She hated Cheerios and loved Honey Nut Cheerios, she would put on one sock then one shoe then the other sock then the other shoe. Nia called me, she's been working so many hours she said she didn't have time to come over but she was crying over the phone too so was Cole who went back to Australia. I texted Andre about my sister and he never texted me back !
What an ass good thing I didn't go any further with him. But Justin, he's been with me through all this, it takes me back to when we were 13 . I wanted to just jump right back into work but after I had a complete break down at my last consultation with a client, Justin forced me to hire an assistant and he hired a new interior designer to finish what I started  so I can have time to heal. but I don't want him to feel like he has to take care of me like I'm this burden upon him I can't do that again I'm a big girl now.

"Amari I got you Starbucks" Justin said while closing the door. He sat beside me. I smiled.

"Ah that's the first I've seen you smile in a while" he said sipping his frappé

"Um Justin, I just wanted to say that I'm so grateful that you've taken me in during this time" I started to tear up, I took a deep breath. "I just d-don't wanna feel like a burden that you have to carry all the time. I can deal with this by myself" Justin looked at me so understanding. He got up and grabbed his laptop and went to a song called Cold Water.

"I released a new song called Cold Water today and it's inspired by you" he said taking my hand.

"This is how I feel about you and will always feel about you Amari no matter where we are, together or not I'll always be here, friends or not, relationship or not because you're not in this world alone Amari you've never been " Justin confessed. I took him into a hug, he wiped the tears on my face. He stared into my eyes when he did this I felt like he knew exactly how I was feeling I looked at his lips as they were coming close to mine and I didn't stop him. Justin pulled me on to his lap as I straddled him. Our hands were interlocked, for 5 years I've been with out my other half.

"Amari I need you" Justin huffed, in between our kissing. He picked me up and carried my up the stairs to his room. I broke our kiss as Justin was on top of me,

"Justin, I need you too" Justin smiled into the next kiss he bestowed upon me and let's just say that dream I had of Justin and I came true this night.

Justin's POV

For five years I've been with out my other half now it's restored.

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