A Proposal

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*Benny's POV*

Usnavi looked at me in shock.

"I don't know what you're saying." Usnavi said softly.

"I'm asking for you, Usnavi, my boyfriend of three year, to marry me, Benny." I answered.

Usnavi continued to stare at me, in shock. I could feel him tense just by holding his hands.

"So is that a no...?" I asked cautiously. "Because we can totally take the ring back. I-if you want."

I felt my eyes water, but I blinked the tears away.

"No, no I want to marry you." Usnavi said softly. "Of course I want to marry you."

This time, I started to cry.

"Oh my God." I said through tears. "I can't believe you said yes."

Usnavi wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me gently, slowly. I have put the ring on his finger and kissed back.

------A few hours later------

*Still Benny's POV*

We sat on the couch, waiting for the food to come. Neither of us wanted to cook, so we ordered something. Now, we sat on the couch, watching a terrible TIME TV show, but we weren't exactly paying attention. More like making out instead.

When the food finally arrived, it was quite the disappointment. We were enjoying making out. Oh well, food is food.

Thank you for reading and voting and stuff.


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