Do You Have a Problem?

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I got this idea from LoveMusicFandoms

Benny and Usnavi were walking down the street to get to a restaurant. The engagement ring was shimmering ever so slightly on Usnavi's finger in the moonlight. Benny was holding Usnavi's hand gently, showing that they were engaged. Benny smiled down at Usnavi, pulling him into the restaurant. 

"Reservation for Benny." Benny said, looking at the hostess. 

The hostess nodded curtly. "Right this way." she said, walking to the table. 

Benny smiled at Usnavi, kissing his fiance's cheek. They were seated at one of the nicest tables. He pulled a chair out for Usnavi, that was sat in soon after. He sat across from Usnavi, holding his hand. He looked at the menu, humming softly. 

"See anything you like?" Usnavi asked, looking up from the menu at Benny. 

"Everything?" Benny joked. 

Usnavi chuckled. "Seriously. This is a celebration of our engagement. What do you want? My treat." 

"Hell no. I'm paying." Benny replied. "And the pesto sounds amazing." 

Usnavi smiled. "We'll split it." he said. "We never go out to eat."

Benny nodded. They never went out to eat. It was too hard, what with their work and the bodega and everything. 

A few moments later, the manager of the restaurant came out. He cleared his throat, making Benny and Usnavi look up. 

"We are going to have to ask you to leave." the manager said. 

"What? Why?" Benny asked, concerned. 

"We do not allow gay couples in the restaurant." the manager replied. 


"No. Gays." 


So I finally fucking updated. Sorry for the wait. I do not know how to write. Also. I've been going through gender stuff, so I will now be signing off as Val from now on. 


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