Piano Man

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He sat down at the bench behind the piano, took his tie off, unbuttoned the top of his button down shirt, and placed his light fingers on the keys. He began with a simple C chord and let it ring throughout the vacant house. Then he put several chords together to create an assonance. He cleared his throat and began singing along with the music he was creating. With eyes closed, he belted out a note and never missed a chord. His fingers slipped along the keys in the most elegant manner. The way his emotions overcame him was simply beautiful. His head swayed back and forth and each transition on the keys were flawless. Then his wife walked in the room and stood in the corner admiring her husband. A single tear fell from her eye because she simply had not heard him play in months. This time was different of all times... He didn't realize she was watching and listening, so he had no distractions upon his notice. Every time he played while she was there, he would goof off and play a silly song. But this time she heard his real heart. It made her happy. It made him happy.

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