Family Memories

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As he looked through his old photo albums from decades ago, he ran across the forgotten memories. Old friends, old fashions, old trends, old relationships... As much as he liked it back then, he wouldn't change anything he had now. A beautiful wife of ten, going on eleven years, three children, two of which with his current wife, and one of the most successful actors. Not to mention how well he had aged... Almost fifty-one years old and not looking a day over thirty-five.
He loved the young days. Yes he could get around a little easier than now, and get away with his childish antics... But what does that matter? He's still a kid at heart, and that's what keeps him going.
The most important thing in life isn't money, fame, and success... It's family.

Susan walked in the Downey residence pulling a suitcase behind her while nearly dropping her two bags in her arms. Robert saw her struggling and set baby Avri down beside Exton who was eating chicken tenders. Exton made a silly face towards Avri that made her laugh. Robert ran over to Susan and helped her with her luggage from a trip she had just gotten back from. They exchanged kisses and hugs and walked into the large kitchen where their two beautiful children were sitting and laughing. The sight made Rob and Susan smile from ear to ear. "Looks like you kept the house together! I don't see anything broken and the kids aren't fighting!" Susan said looking around, and went over to her children. "MOMMY! You're home!" Exton exclaimed and reached his hands out towards Susan. She hugged and kissed Exton and Avri and then embraced them in her arms. Robert took the luggage to their room and couldn't stop thinking about his lovely family. How beautiful his wife was, how lucky and blessed he was to have her in his life and to have two beautiful children. He came back to see Susan with both son and daughter sitting in her lap in a chair. She looked up at Robert with the sweetest eyes and mouthed the words, "I love you." "Daddy missed you mommy!" Exton said pointing at Robert standing in front of them. "I missed Daddy too," Susan said, running her fingers through Exton's blonde hair.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2016 ⏰

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