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**For Snakegal. I have a reason this time. But I'm not gonna say it.**

                 Jasper stepped into the temple, having been recently let in by the Crystal Gems. She pretty much hated all of them, but she still needed somewhere to stay. Jasper stretched and walked over to the Gems' tiny fridge. As she rummaged through it, Pearl emerged from the magical temple door. "Jasper?" Jasper abruptly attempted to stand, but only succeeded in slamming her head on the top of  the fridge.

                "Crap!" She had recently adopted the phrase after hearing one of the Cool Kids say it. Jasper backed up slowly and turned to see Pearl standing there, one hand on her hips. Pearl was one of the few gems she didn't totally hate. "Pearl." Pearl suddenly straightened, as if remembering the reason the was there. "Um, Amethyst asked me to help her find something. I was *ahem* wondering if you'd like to help me." Jasper shut the door to the fridge,"Whatever."

                Jasper followed Pearl to the temple door. The purple gem glowed as the door separated. They walked into the room and Jasper saw Amethyst digging through a large pile of junk. "Amethyst." Amethyst jumped and faced them. "Oh, um, you brought Jasper." Pearl glared at her,"Yes. She is strong and some of your stuff is very heavy." Amethyst grunted and continued looking through her pile,"Mmhmm, anyway, I need to find the-" 

"Yes, yes, we know what we're looking for," Pearl said flatly,"but it would be much easier if you actually organized this mess." Amethyst ignored her, and Pearl and Jasper trudged off to deeper in Amethysts room. "So what are we looking for?" Jasper said, looking up a huge pile of stuff.  "Nothing right now," Pearl said, wrapping her arms around Jasper's neck. "Um, then why-" she was interrupted by a kiss from Pearl. 

              Jasper's eyes widened in surprise, but then slowly closed as she deepened the kiss. She gently put her orange hands on Pearl's delicate waist. Jasper pinned Pearl against a pile of Amethyst's things. Pearl gasped as Jasper kissed down her neck. She smiled and bit her lightly,"Did you just bite me?" 

               "I will do what I want to you, defective Pearl. It seems that you have forgotten your place, maybe I'll beat you back in shape," Jasper whispered in Pearl's ear, making her shiver. Jasper reached down Pearl's skirt, but stopped when she heard something. Amethyst walked out from behind a junk pile, doubled over with laughter,"No, no, don't stop on my account. Cuz, you know, this is kinda my room." Pearl looked like she'd seen a ghost, and it was all Jasper could do not to start laughing herself.

             Amethyst stopped laughing long enough to ask a few questions,"What the hell were you two doing back here? And when were you planning on looking for my hourglass?" Jasper shrugged, seemingly unfazed by being caught,"I didn't even know what we were looking for." Pearl rushed out of the room, and Amethyst raised an eyebrow. Jasper sighed,"I'll go calm her down," and wandered away from Amethyst. Meanwhile, Amethyst was still laughing.

**Alright, so as I was writing this, I actually did some research and Pearl does not have ears. So yeah, mildly inaccurate. I am so sorry, Snakegal, as it seems that I have absolutely no idea what fluff is. I thought I did, but I was thinking of something entirely different. I apologize for that. I'm not sure what this is, it just kinda happened. I'm not really used to this, so leave your opinion in the comments section...please. I just woke up so I'm not really awake. I also just realized that GEMS DONT HAVE EYEBROWS EITHER! ~HUNTER**

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