Jaspethyst (Highschool AU)

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   **So Jasper is nice in this story. Don't hate on it.**

                                                                                             Jasper POV

Finally school was out. I laughed with my friends as we escaped the humidity of school. I froze as I noticed a sound isolated from laughter. A soft sob. I slipped away to go check it out. Peeking my head out from around the corner, I saw Amethyst, one of the most popular people in the school. I tensed. There was something off about her, I could feel it, I just couldn't figure out what. 

I warily approached her, but she kept crying, so I knelt and put an arm around her. "What's wrong, Amethyst?" I asked tentatively. She stopped crying and looked up at me, tears streaming down her face. As I brushed some tears from her cheeks, her eyes brightened and she laid her head on my shoulder. "I'm alone..." I ran a hand through her hair,"No," I whispered back,"You're not."

Amethyst's eyes sparkled as I helped her up. We walked toward the front of the school, hand in hand. Suddenly, Amethyst stopped,"Wait, I forgot something." I looked back at the spot where she'd been crying. Not seeing anything, I turned back to her,"What did you—" I was cut off by Amethysts lips on mine. I felt her hands on my chest, pushing me back onto the wall. She pulled away and looked down for a split second. 

Before I could react, Amethyst kissed me again. I finally figured out why she looked down as her hands started to undo my belt buckle. I let out a soft moan when she slipped her hand into my pants.  Amethyst bit my lower lip and I, reluctantly, allowed her entry. All of a sudden, I felt her hands leave my body. She put her hands around my neck and mine settled around her waist.

I could hear the faint sound of the buses leaving, but I didn't care. I was just happy to here with this beautiful creature in my arms. I suddenly felt a sharp prick on the back of my neck. Amethyst broke the kiss, leaving me gasping for air. She had a strange look on her face, one of triumph. She took a step back, leaving me leaning on the wall. The edge of my field of vision started to blur and, swaying precariously, I fell. A small jingle sounded beside my ear. A needle. Fire blossomed in my lungs. With my last bit of consciousness, I heard dark laughter. Then nothing.

Steven Universe One-ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora