Chapter One

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I opened my eyes to streaks of golden sunlight dancing across the magenta walls of my room. I felt a familiar ambiance as I sat up and pushed the button to silence the annoying muggle machinery. I sat up, feeling disoriented for a second, but slowly realizing that I was in my own room, not the dorm at Mahoutokoro. I slowly walked down the staircase of the townhouse to be greeted by the loud sound of my TV blaring and my mom making tomago gohan for breakfast.

"Hi Mom," I said with a half-hearted smile. My mom nodded at me as I walked into the den and sat on the worn couch, sinking into the leather cushion. I quietly watched the news, listening in on stories of murders, missing children, and earthquakes. My mom came in and sat down to eat. She looked like she had been crying. Now, my mother is a very tough woman. She sat through tons of the sappiest romantic comedies and didn't even shed a single tear. When I noticed that she had been crying, I knew something was up. Setting down my tomago gohan, I asked, "What's wrong, mother?" She nodded towards the television just as "BREAKING NEWS" ticker-taped across the screen. After the ticker-tape stopped flashing, I realized what had happened to get my mother so worked up.

Mahoutokoro was blown up.

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