Calum - Bully

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You're walking through the hallways at school alone, as usual, when you hear girls giggling. You look up to see the "popular" girls looking at you and laughing. You quickly look away and keep walking when something blocks your way. It was the girls, a tall blond standing in front of them smirking at you.

"You know, you cost me $10," she tells you.

"Wh-what?" you manage to stutter out.

"I didn't think you'd last one week, but Maria had money on you staying at least a week and a half."You avoid eye contact, not knowing what to say. "I honestly don't even know why you're here. You don't fit in, we all know it."

By now there is a few people watching but everyone is too scared of social rejection to speak up. You try to get around them but the girls move to stop you.

"No one wants you here, (Y/N). Why can't you just except that and leave."

Just as you are on the verge of tears, you feel two strong arms wrap around you. It startles you at first and a head rests itself on your shoulder you tense up, not knowing what's going on.

"Hi babe," the voice behind you says. Suddenly you feel a two soft lips against your cheek.

"C-Calum?"the blond girl asks. You figure that's the boy's name.

Calum's arms wrap tighter around you. "Hi Alyssa. I bet you and my girl were just having a casual conversation, right?"

"You two are dating?" she asks in disbelief.

You turn your head a look at the boy. He was tall and tan with a gorgeous smile. He winks at you before turning back to Alyssa. "Of course! How could you resist a face like this?" he says, kissing your cheek again causing you to blush.

"Well um, we were just going now," she says obviously embarrassed. "I'll see you later Calum. (Y/N)." And with that, the group of girls nervously leave.

You unwrap Calum's arms from around you and look at him. "What was that all about?"

"That was me, saving you from Alyssa's evilness," he chuckles.

"Calum, is it?"

"You can call me Cal," he winks.

"Well Cal, thanks for pretending to be my 'boyfriend' and acting like you care. You saved me this time." You start to walk away but he grabs your arm.

"Woah, who said I was acting? I've noticed you around in your cute little band tees and jeans. You caught my eye since the first day."

"Yeah, sure. They're gone, you can stop pretending now."

"I'm not pretending," he assures you, looking straight into your eyes causing you to blush again.

"Well, thanks again for pretending to be my boyfriend. You really did save me."

"Who knows, maybe we can make the whole boyfriend thing real," he says before kissing you on the cheek again and walking away.

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