Luke - Meeting

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Music is blaring through the speakers of the arena. You and your friends are dancing and singing along to whatever songs play waiting for the whole reason you're there to take the stage. You've been waiting for this day for the past months ever since you heard that 5 Seconds of Summer was playing a show in your town. You were lucky enough to get tickets close to the front and you couldn't be more happy.

After what feels like ages it's finally time for them to take the stage. You watch as the 4 boys run on stage so full of energy. They start playing their first song and you can't help but dance around and sing along. You laugh at the dorky faces and stunts they pull but you never stop dancing. You know you can't dance but you don't care, you just keep going.

It's about half way through the show when you start to get tired. You stop dancing for a while and just watch the concert, still singing along. You're eyes fall on the tall blond that had stolen your heart from the start. He starts talking and as silence falls over the arena, you can't help but shouting "I love you Luke" at the top of your lungs.

You watch as a smile grows on his face, showing his perfect dimples. He lets out a small chuckle before his eyes connect with yours. You feel your cheeks heating up as he gives you a small wink before running across the stage, playing the intro to their next song. You turn to your friends and you all let out a loud squeal before turning back to the stage.

Michael, Luke, and Calum are all jamming around the stage. As Luke returns to the mic to start singing, his eyes fall on you again. He looks at you the entire time that he is singing and you know you probably look like an idiot from smiling so much. When Calum takes over the song Luke continues to play, his eyes never leaving yours and he looks almost like he's in a trance. Michael notices and starts messing with Luke causing you and the rest of the crowd to laugh but Luke still doesn't take his eyes off you.

When Luke's solo comes up, you expect him to go to the mic and start singing. Even if he was still looking at you, you expect him to sing but he doesn't. He keeps looking at you with the same dazed look on his face. You blush and tuck a piece of hair behind your ear, a giggle escaping your lips. You watch as Calum walks over and hits Luke in the back of his head, only causing you to giggle more as Luke wakes up out of his daze.

"Sorry, I was.... uh.... distracted," he says, giving you a shy smile.

"By that babe in the front?" Michael asks, pointing and winking at you. Luke glares at him and you just stand there, your mouth wide open.

"Back off you prick," Luke teases. Michael puts his hands up in defense. You turn to your friends and you all start laughing.

The concert finishes and you continue to catch Luke looking at you. When it ends you try to get out of the arena as fast as you can but the crowd is so large. Your friend tells you that she has to go to the bathroom so you and your other friends go with her. You wait for her hoping that by the time you get out the crowd would have died down. By the time your friend is done, there is barely anyone left where you are.

"Come on guys! We have to get out there before the bus leaves," you tell them, pulling on their hands.

"Excuse me," a voice calls from behind you. You stop dead in your tracks. You'd know that voice anywhere. As you turn around, your eyes are greeted by the same tall blond that had been distracted by you earlier. You smile and tuck a piece of hair behind your ear.

"Hi," you say shyly.

"I was hoping you'd still be here," he responds with a small smile. You fall into an awkward silence, neither of you knowing what to say.

"So, how'd you like the show?" he asks.

"It was.... interesting," you laugh. He joins you.

"Yeah, I guess you could say that. Sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable. I don't know what came over me." He awkwardly rubs the back of his neck causing you to giggle.

"I didn't mind," you smile.

"So, this might sound a little weird, but the boys and I were planning on stopping somewhere to eat before we really left. Maybe you and your friends would like to join us?"

You hear your friends squeal behind you and you can't help but laugh at them. "I think that's a yes from them," you tell him. He laughs.

"And what about from you?" he asks, stepping closer. You blush, looking at the floor.

"I'd love to," you tell him and he smiles.

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