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Rain was splashing and the classic word for it was "raining cats and dogs" the literary creature in her corrected her.

She might as well fuel up for the journey she thought scanning the food counter at the lounge. A wide spread, she stood up clearly impressed at the sheer amount of variety she was. It was a non-veg paradise, she beamed with happiness. She had already gulped her orange juice to make enough space for the lemon-coated fish and mouth-watering sautéed prawns in her stomach. Food was her stress-buster and a constant companion. However, her girl-gang often complained and rightly so, that she never, ever put on even an ounce of weight even after gobbling down hamburgers,shakes and well literally anything offered to her. Blame it on metabolism, sweeties.

At 5'8 ft tall and a slim athletic figure to match, she was an envy of many. Combined with flawless peaches pure skin and dark brown eyes, she had every inkling of supermodel, her designer friend Sharon had told her. Recently done up brown highlights and layers to her hair, highlighted her sharp jawline.

Her plate was almost filled and she decided dessert needed another round. She settled herself and began eating.

The guy at the corner, near a plug-point was typing something furiously on his laptop when for a flick second-maybe a microsecond, his eyes met that of Lily's.

Coincidence or destiny, whichever word suits the situation he happened to be on the same flight at Lily.

Meet James. James Newberg.

The delay frustrated him to no end. But he had a task on his mind. He had planned to sleep on the lounge couch. Do I need to eat?he wondered. Yes, his mind needs to be alert for the task. Energy level required was 100%. An empty stomach would do him no good he rationalized.

Let me just have that cream marinated chicken, he decided, going across the food counter. When was the last time he tasted good food, he sulked.

Lily on the other hand was ready for a second round and marching as hungrily as possible towards the counter. She was standing next to James taking a big helping of vegetables noodles when James said, "Don't try those ma'am. They look under-cooked".

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