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"So sorry. " Lily said quietly. 

James was silent for a while. "I'll take your leave. Will catch some sleep. See you in the flight." he said standing up ironing his jacket with his hands. 

"Sure." Lily said.

Turning to her book, she was immersed into the story..... Even in the slightest thoughts wouldn't she know that two of her colleagues were dead. As she read the line from the novel, ""nobody's ever been arrested for a murder; they have only ever been arrested for not planning it properly", simultaneously police at NYPD and Swiss police declared independently, in different time zones after some mind-cracking investigation that death of Christina and Henry were murders. 

James was back in his couch. He didn't feel like sleeping. He made a phone call to someone. 

"522518252089147 1511" he asked expecting a positive reply. 

"25519." a voice answered. In the background one could hear loud voices talking. 

"715154" James said ending the call. 

He felt better. He touched the pendant. The person on the other side of the line, a man in his mid-fifties with weather-beaten face and a big cut mark across his forehead sat in the cafe where the party had just begun. He wore a similar pendant. Plan was moving forward. 

James fell asleep immediately after the call. 

(For the readers, I am using a cryptic language here, you can decode it by simply using A to Z with numbers associated with them like A-1 B-2 etc. Hope it adds to a new touch to the story) 

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