Chapter One

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I'll see if I will write so give me your comments. I'm only 13 so I hope you'll like the first chapter! Our story begins ... I was coming home from school like I always do since I take the bus and my friend Larry and I sit next to each other since I'm the sixth bus stop it feels like forever before I get home considering once I get off the bus I still have a block to walk home. But once I get home I'm always happy to see my dogs, but then I head up to my room and chill out watching YouTube trying to pass the time since my stepmom gets home around 5:30 pm but by that time I've fallen asleep or are on the verge of going to bed. But after my stepmom gets home we eat dinner and head to bed. She stays up till about 10 pm. But by that time I'm the only one awake but since we have an old Grand Father clock downstairs it always go off but this is were it all happens. My dog Rio and I always sleep together but I let him out so he can rome around and do what he wants but then I get this chilling feeling up my spin as if someone is watching me as if that feeling is breathing on you! It's a haunting feeling as if you have ever been to Gettysburg battlefield. Then it goes away and all of a sudden the clock strikes 11 and its louder than ever and it goes on for 11 strikes and the window is opening and closing with each time blowing a gust. Then the stairs start creek if starting off quite then getting louder then going dead silent then WHAMM!!! Right next to my door the bathroom door slams shut as if someone is mad. I'm scared I feel like peeing my pants but I'm more concerned about my dog so I finally get the guts to go downstairs and see where my dog is at or doing. But when I get downstairs I automatically go straight to the kitchen and I see Rio on top of the counter looking terrified and I follow his gaze and that's when I see him.....
I see his long shadowy arm open up the draw with the silverware and reach for the steak knife I scream and I grab my dog and I run up the stairs. It was terrifying I didn't see a very good clear visual of the Boogy man but it was enough to tell you. His eyes were filled with pure evil like his eyes were rubies, his skin was like clay or the color of a flour sack that was beaten up, his teeth where like knifes all crooked and jacked up and stained as if he was a cannibal with blood stain on his teeth. Then the clock strikes one I make sure to keep my light on and not go out of my room my dogs on the bed curled up as close as he can next to me. I can't sleep but I should because I have school the next day. Then comes that haunting chill as if again someone is looking over you then I hear this laughing noise and I'm looking around and I see this faint smile outside my window as if he's quietly saying I'm coming for you. Then I hear a faint jack in the box music and that's going on for at least ten minutes then it's dead like ear deafening silence. And then it's no more by the time it hits dawn I'm finally asleep and I at least got a few hours and that's all but it was the worst night that I had and same for my dog we moved out of that house and moved to a suburb house with a forest and big garden, pool , etc .
                           Chapter 2
  After my family moved to the new suburb house everything was peaceful as if nothing in the world could go on my dog and I grew a stronger bond after the previous events that have happened but we've had guest come over slept over and just be them. Then as I was having a sleep over with my friends we finally decide lights out and Rio comes in the room to sleep with us. As I check to see if anyone is still awake by saying their names it's dead silence so I tell myself another peaceful night in my new house, I was wrong. By the time I went to bed I was in a deep sleep but when I wake up I see that only one of my friends is missing, me being me I automatically knew something is not right I wake up all my other friends thinking maybe she's playing a trick on us. Then that fear washes over me what if she's missing we all get dressed and start looking around the house. She's nowhere to be found. But then as we're all eating in the kitchen my friend notices something odd outside in the backyard and it looked quite pale if you ask me. So we all went outside and it was a horrible sight to see our friend had hung herself. There in my backyard it looked as if she climbed one of the trees to just jump to her death but her eyes looked black as if someone ripped out her eyes her mouth was all stitched up so that she couldn't scream for help. She still had her pj's on from sleeping but then she was holding something a message and I opened it and the message was written in blood it read: "I'm coming for you." In handwriting that we new would never be hers. That's when I revised that I could never escape from this demon that was still haunting me.
       Wait to find out about chapter 3.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2016 ⏰

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