Chapter 1 - The meeting

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  ~Your p.o.v~I was awake by the alarm . I yawn as I looked at the time. "Oh my, I'm late." I quickly bathe and wear my school uniform. I rush downstairs. "Mom, I'm going to school now" " Don't forget to take your lunch box dear" my mom says loudly, but it was too late because I went to school already. "I'm late, I'm late. Teacher is going to kill me" I run as fast as I can while looking at my watch. Suddenly I bummed into someone and I land my butt on the ground. "Ouch" "Are you ok?" a blonde haired guy asks as he held out his hand. "He looks familiar" I thought." Yea, I'm fine" I say as he offered his hand to help me up. "Thanks, " I look at my watch and it was 7:15 a.m. "ahh shoot I'm so late" I say in my mind. " Bye got to go. I'm sorry, " I quickly run, leaving the blonde haired guy behind. I feel bad, but I was late to school.
 ~time skip~

 "Finally I make it to school like barely" I panted. I was so tired plus I felt so hungry since I skipped my breakfast. I went to my class and sit at my place. Suddenly my class teacher enters the class. " There is a new student. I'm sure everybody knows him so please be nice to him" I wondered who is the new student . "Please come in Len" I was shocked when I heard that name.My jaw drop when i see him enter my class "Len Kagamine. Pleased to meet you" It was him who I bummed into this morning. How could I not know it was Len. What kind of fan am I?! Everybody in the class is whispering and squealing. "Len you can sit beside (y/n) At the back" wait, what? Did I hear wrongly? Len going to sit beside me.  Omg I'm fangirling inside. Must keep my poker face."(y/n) Can you please take care of Len since he is new here" "sure teacher" I feel so happy that I could show him around the school. "uhmm I'm sorry about this morning, "I said to him as he sat beside me " Nahh it's ok. Don't worry about it, " he says and gave a smile. I feel so relieved. " What's your name?" "(y/n)" "what a cute name you have" he smiled. "Ahaha thanks."
 ~recess time~

 Yes, finally it's recess time. Suddenly Len's sit was crowded will girls. Must have been hard to be popular huh.  Everybody was asking him lots of questions. It seems like he was not comfortable with the situation. Hmm i should try to help him out "Len, let's go to the cafeteria now" I smiled at him "yea sure"he return my smile. We left the class and went to the cafeteria together. When we left I felt like all the girls gave me a cold glare. As we reached at the cafeteria, I went to buy some food. Unfortunately, I forgot to bring my lunch box and my money. I feel very hungry. Len seems to notice that. " Here, " he gave me some money. "Thanks, but its ok," I declined the money. "Take it as a thanks for saving me from the fangirl" " Fine. Thanks, "i smile and took the money to buy some food.After lining up to buy food, I went to my sit that len had saved. "Thanks again Len" "Sure don't mention it. You must be very hungry" my stomach growl and i embarrassed myself. He chuckle. "Y-yea I skipped my breakfast and I forgot to bring my lunch box" "woow what a bad day" "No not really because I get to meet you" it slipped from my mouth.I realized that i just said something that i shouldn't . I was worried because I just said something weird. Instead of feeling creeped out, he slightly blushes. " That kinda make me feel happy, " he smiles.
 ~recess ended~

 I pity Len because he can't escape from his fans, I mean I'm one of his fans, but I still need to treat him as my classmates. I look at him and try to think away to help him, but he gave me a look that says he can handle it to reassure me. Lucky for him teacher enters the class. "Today we are going to do a group project so please find your partner" I was excited when I hear it. I really want Len to be my partner, but obviously all the fangirls take the opportunity and ask him to be their partner. "I guess I need to find someone else." I muttered to myself and sigh. Suddenly Len called my name and ask "Can you be my partner if that is ok with you?". Is it just me or is Len blushing? "Sure, why not" I smile as my heartbeat really fast.  I feel very happy because Len ask me out of everyone in the class. After teacher explain the assignment, the school bell ring. All the students greet the teacher and left the class. Before I left the class Len asked "Do you want to go to my place this weekend to do the project?" I was shocked. "eehh is that ok with you?' "Yea, I'm alone at home since my sister Rin is having a sleep over at her friend's house" Wait a minute...does that mean I'm gonna be alone with len?!"Err I would love to but-" before I could finish my sentence he cut my sentence. "You're busy?" he says with a disappoint look. "I need to ask my mom's permission. I don't want her to worry about me" "I see," he smile. I slightly blush when he smiles at me. "Well I go home first" I wanted to go home really badly before he notice that my cheeks are red. "Wait ill walk you home" "E-eeh its ok I don't want to trouble you"

  "It's dangerous for a beautiful girl like you to walk home alone" he slightly blushes and smile. My cheeks turn bright red when he said that."Hmm if you say so then" We walk together. It was so awkward. I try to break the silence by asking him question. "Why did you go to my school? You can go to other better school" "I don't really know how to socialize with my fans" "Really?" "Yea, because normally I will feel uncomfortable when I'm around my fans." I can see that, but what about me?" I ask him as i was wondering why.  "I feel comfortable when I'm around you. It's like you're different from my others fans, " he blushes "e-ehh i-i see" I stutter and my cheeks were so red so I looked away. I wanted to ask him why he say that but I'm scare that he will notice I'm blushing so hard "What's wrong (y/n) ? " "Nothing, my house is around the corner. Thanks for walking with me Len-kun" I smiled. "Sure, " he says. Suddenly I felt something soft was pressed to my lips. It was Len's lips. He was kissing me. He then breaks the kiss "Well, see you this weekend, " he says while blushing really hard. I was lost for a moment, so I just nod. I was still shocked by the fact that my favourite Vocaloid singer just kissed me. I went into my house and for some reason the scene keep on replaying on my mind. "(y/n) welcome home dear" my mom greet me. I quickly regain control of my brain and ask my mom's permission if I can go to Len' house and my mom agrees. I send him a message to tell him about it. He then reply my message. It seems like nothing happen between us. I hope it was a dream so that we won't feel awkward when the next time we see each other.

Is this just a dream? (lenxreader) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora