Chapter Twenty-Five

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We both stayed a little longer upstairs. Just talking about us and the baby. I showed him the ultrasound pictures and I could see him tear up. Being with him made me so happy and I knew that our baby liked him already. We were going to choose names together but not now a little later. Anyways, we headed back downstairs to where everybody else was. We walked outside and everybody looked at us. We were standing side by side and Justin grabbed my hand and smiled.

“Finally!” Alfredo screamed. Everybody laughed.

They all came toward us and congratulated us. Alicia and Marisol walked towards me and hugged me. They brought me to a table and sat me down.

“What happened? Are you guys back together?” Alicia asked

“More than that.” I said. They just looked at me confused.

“We’re married.” I smiled

“You’re what?” Marisol asked

“I thought you guys got a divorce.” Alicia said

“They were fake. He called my lawyer and told him to call off the divorce. We’re still married.” I said

“Aww.” They said.

We sat and I told them everything. They were awing and ohing it was pretty funny but they are girls what else are they going to do? Lol. Justin sat down beside me a little later and all they guys joined as well. We all just sat down and talked. We had a great time.

It was getting late and everybody was leaving. Andrea said after the award show I won’t be doing much but I’ll have an interview or a show every now and then but I wouldn’t be doing much. Justin pulled me inside for a little while he told me he had to ask me something. We were now sitting on the couch and Justin turned to me.

“So what did you want to ask me?” I asked

“I wanted to know if you wanted to move back in with me? To our home?” he asked. Him say our just made me smile.

“Of course. I’d love to.”


“Yeah sure. Can you help me get my stuff?” I asked

“Yeah, let’s just sit here a little longer.” He smiled

I couldn’t help but giggle. He laid his head on my stomach. It sounded like he was talking to her but I couldn’t really hear. It made me happy that he was excited about this. He wanted a girl and he’s getting one. While Justin was talking to the baby I was stroking his hair. It was soft. Lol I’m weird. We sat there for a while when my dad walked in. He looked at Justin and smiled.

“Hey dad.” I said

“Hey Louis.” Justin said not lifting up his head.

“What are you guys doing?” he asked

“Nothing just sitting. Oh, I was hoping if it’d be okay that I move back with Justin.” I said

“Of course, it’s your decision. Is Carlos going too?”

“I was hoping he could stay here for the night. Tomorrow I can come get him and the rest of our stuff.”

“Okay well I could take care of him for you.”

“Thanks dad.”

“You’re welcome. I never got to tell you guys congratulations for the awards and getting back together.”

“Thank you sir.” Justin said

“Justin.” My dad said

“Sorry. I forgot.” He laughed

“Thanks dad.”

“You’re welcome sweetie. Now Justin. If you hurt my daughter again I will hunt you down. Comprendes?” my dad asked

“Si senor.” Justin said

“Since when do you know Spanish?” I asked him

“For a while, I figured I should learn if I want to be with you.” He sat up and looked at me with a smile on his face.

“Aww you’re so cute.” I said while pinching his cheek.

“Not the cheeks.” He said

“Okay well I’m going to leave you love birds alone. I’ll see you guys tomorrow.” My dad said getting up.

“Gracias papi! Te amo!”

“Buenas noches mija. Tu tambien Justin.”

“You too!” Justin said

“You have no idea what he said, do you?” I asked Justin

“No.” he laughed “What’d he say?”

“I said thank you daddy. I love you. He said good night daughter you too Justin.” I said

“Ooohhh. Duh. I knew that.”

“Sure you did babe.”

“So, te amo means I love you?” he asked

“Yeah…” I nodded my head

“Okay. Te amo Vanessa.” He smiled

“yo tambien te amo Justin.” He looked at me confused

“I love you too Justin.” I laughed.

Thought You Loved Me {Sequel to Trust}Where stories live. Discover now