Chapter 9

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School. The dreaded prison sat only feet away. And I was late. Late for the tour, late for the information assembly. This is shit.

After my conversation with Uncle Mikey, I realized that this boy would most likely be going to my school. He was cute, hot even. And I agreed with that statement. Until she came along.

Once I got in the building, I had realized that I actually wasn't late. I was early. I was talking to this group of kids wearing band tees, when a girl came up and tapped on my shoulder. "Hi, you guys looked like a cool group of people! I'm Sydney!" She smiled brightly as she addressed the group. She was short, and her semi-curly hair fell onto her shoulders. Her hair was shoulder length, reddish-brown, and she had side-bangs. She had bright green eyes, and was the cutest person I had ever seen. She was wearing a Pokemon shirt and ripped up gray jeans, with knee high converse.

"Hi." I barely stuttered out. Everyone else in the group introduced themselves, and I immediately panicked. I needed to ask Uncle Mikey about this. So I ask for her number so we could text each other.

As soon as the tour was over, I went home. I was going to call Mikey until I realized he was sitting on the couch, watching some horror movie. I cleared my throat.

"El, what's wrong?" He asked, obviously concerned. And then, my brain decides it's a good idea to blurt it out. "Is it wrong for me to like a girl?" He stares at me for a second, blinks, and then chuckles. "Of course not, kiddo."

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