Chapter 5

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"Are we there yet?" I asked. The little red bird kept on singing as I follow it. The forest was filled with life "Twist?" I said. I sighed "Twist!?" I said it a bit loud. Twist stops and lands on my shoulder "What's up?" I looked at Twist "The sky..." The bird laughs the best that a bird can at least. I smiled "But for real... Are we almost there?" I asked. Twist looks at me "We are almost there once we cross the river up ahead. Twist flies around "See." I looked and saw the river. I can't even crossing it with being swept away "I can't cross it." I said. Twist looks at me "Oh yeah... You're not from here so you wouldn't know the password to get a cross."

"May you say it then, please Twist?" I asked "May one way to the other. Let coldness and heartless be not the way through." I looked at Twist "What?" Twist flew across the river "Say it!" Twist land on a branch on the other side. I was nervous but was determined to find the guy who saved me. It's still early in the morning so but not a lot of time "Only if I had a day or 2. But I better work with what I got, huh?" I said to myself. I inhale the cold and freezing air "Okay... May one way to the other... Let coldness and heartless be not the way through?" I said not knowing it worked.

I was about to yell a cross the river to Twist but then something was going on. But then the ice that was floated by made a path for me. I walked on it very clear fully a cross it. The ice wasn't really steady but I kept on going. Behind me, the ice float down the river which caused me to go faster than it was under me. I started to run. I jumped to the shore. I landed on my face. Twist laughed and I looked at the bird "Oh, shut up you... You'll do the same if you can't fly." I said to the bird. Twist stopped "Yeah, sorry... Anyways, we are basically here!"

"Basically? What do you mean by basically?" I asked "He lives in this area with his brother but no one can't find their house. So they walk around this area, good luck!" Twist flew off "Wait!" I yelled but the bird didn't hear. I sighed "Okay... Wild, you can do this!" I said taking a step forward. The forest was too quiet for my liking. I sang a song to see if there were a friendly bird to sing with. I did see the birds but they stayed quite as they watched me. I felt nervous by them looking at me "Hey, do you know where I can find a place to stay for a while?" I asked. They looked at each other then left without a word. I sighed "Okay then." I kept on walking in the forest that no one bothers to at least say hi or welcome you. I had thoughts going through my head of where the house could be.

"WHAT TH-?!" I heard a little scream to my right. I followed the voice expecting to see at least a half breed or a friendly creature of the forest. Then I saw a little white fox hanging upside down. The fox was trying to get out of the trap "Those stupid humans! I swear, they should just stay in their own land then being greedy and selfish!" I looked at the fox. He finally notice me "Great, even worst! A half breed!" I looked at him "Real nice to say to someone who finds you like this. Want to HANG out, then or what?" Man, I should pull off puns more often. The fox looks at me "Oh yeah, GET ME DOWN THEN!!"

"Okay, okay, where's your manners?" I said getting him down. Once down, he looks at me "Jeeze half breed, your so weird with the tails and ears. Most half breeds have ears or tail but not both." I was about to say that I'm a human but stopped because it would be a really bad idea to tell him "Name is Wild... And i-it's hard to explain..." I said "I bet... But why are you here then? You're not from these parts." Fox said looking at me "First, your name then I'll tell you." I said. The white fox sighed and sat down with his head held high "Byakko..."

"Okay, Byakko... I'm looking for someone who wanders around this neck of the woods." I said. Byakko looks at me "Are you looking for Phoenix or Halonix?" I looked at him. I was panicking in my mind "One of them..." I said trying not to look a bit panicky. Byakko walked right by me "I'll take you to Phoenix then since I know where he is." Byakko said "Is Phoenix the older brother or younger brother?" I asked. He lifted his head up as if he was too good for this forest or even this world "The brother that doesn't make stupid puns like you do..." I looked at him "I don't do puns that often... That was my pun in like... In my whole life maybe?"

"What you mean by maybe?" I sighed "I don't really remember my past at all. So I don't know if I made puns before." I said. Byakko looks at me "Whatever, who the hell cares..." Byakko said "Then why are you helping me then?" I asked "Because I don't like owing somebody a favor." It made some sense since he most likely thinks he is better than everybody in the world. But instead of saying it out loud to him, I stayed quiet and be grateful that he is at least taking me to one of the brothers.

"Yo, Phoenix? You still here?" I stand behind him. I looked up and I could tell I only had 2 hours left before I have to leave the forest. I hope that if I get delay that Darkness and Shadow don't try to kill me or something. Then I hear something from the trees "Heyo Byakko, back so soon..." He said hanging upside down. He looks or is a full human. I was shocked that there are some humans in the forest. Protected by the forest. His hair likes like flames and his eyes are like blazing even when they are lime green. His skin is every tanned. He wears a outfit that you would wear in the summer or when it's really warm. He finally noticed me "Wow, you brought a human here! How kind of you Byakko!" Byakko looks at me with angry and I look at this guy who clearly can see I'm a human "YOUR A HUMAN!!! THAT EXPLAINS EVERYTHING THEN!! YOU TRICKED ME, HOW DARE YOU!!!"

"I didn't trick you... You didn't ask me, I would have been honest with you..." He growls "ALL HUMANS ARE HEARTLESS AND COLD KILLERS!!" I looked at Byakko "Well, I could have left you in that trap for the human who made it but I freed you, didn't I?" I said. He was about to slash at me but stops himself "Okay, calm down... Now, tell me why your here in the forest?" Phoenix said with a calm tone pushing Byakko behind him " How did you know I was a human?" I asked him. He looks at me "It's because of the amount of magic on your ears and tail. A forgotten magic's only those who were born when the last few wizards and witches. That's why... And you didn't answer my question." He said "I came looking for a guy wearing a blue hoodie. Know anyone who wears that in this part of the forest?" I asked. He thinks for a moment or so.

"The only one is my brother, Halonix... I could take you to him if you like to?" I looked at him "Then will you take me to him then?" I asked "Sure but I will warn you... He tends to tell puns so be warned." Phoenix said. Byakko looks at him "You don't know if she wants to kill him... I don't trust her one bit." He said "You know how humans are..." He looks at me with a cold stare "I trust her, she did help you and she could have not. So not all humans are bad... Look at me." Byakko looks at him "You were raised here, not her!" I look at him "I bet her kingdom put those on because she is a-" I stepped forward "Without these I would have been dead by now! And I would have never got these if the guy in the blue hoodie didn't save me!" I said. They just looked at me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2016 ⏰

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