Chapter 13 - You Make My World Light Up

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Song of the chapter: Hymn For The Weekend - Coldplay

Alyssa's POV

I wake up and realize that Isaac and I never went upstairs and fell asleep on the couch. He has one arm wrapped around my shoulder and his other arm wrapped around my stomach.

I carefully pry myself away from him and make my way upstairs to wrap my chest again. I'll have to get Isaac to help my wrap my shins and abdomen when he wakes up.

I go into my bathroom and see that the first aid kit has already been moved onto the counter. I wonder if Isaac saw the wounds on my chest last night. He didn't say anything so maybe he didn't.

I take my shirt and bra off before disinfecting the small cuts and wrap my chest with the gauze, pushing all other thoughts to the back of my mind. I put my bra and shirt back on and head back downstairs to see Isaac just waking up. That's when I realize it's Tuesday and we have school.

I check my phone and see that it's 9:18. School started over an hour. It's basically useless to go to school now. We would get there around lunch so we would have already missed half the day. Besides, I'm still getting over the events of yesterday and I don't really want to deal with school at the moment.

"Good morning, Izzy," I say to him.

"Morning, Aly," he says back.

I smile at him and sit back down on the couch. He pulls me into his lap and I lean back into him. "I don't think we should go to school today. By the time we get there, we'll have missed half the day," I say to him.

"Okay, sweetheart. We don't have to go to school today." I smile and peck his lips. He smiles back at me and then picks me up. He sets me down on the kitchen counter and I watch him make breakfast like he does every day.

We eat and decide to go out to see a movie. We go up to my room and Isaac cleans and wraps my abdomen and shins before he goes to get dressed. I go to my closet and look through my clothes.

I finally decide on wearing one of my new Black Veil Brides shirts, a pair of slightly ripped skinny jeans, and a pair of black, knee high boots. After I'm dressed, I put on some eyeliner and mascara as well as black lipstick.

I put on a black choker with some layering on it as well as a black, rhinestone bracelet and a pair of black heart earrings. I put on my black sunglasses and grab my clutch that has black sequins on the front.

I walk out of my room and down the stairs to find Isaac dressed and ready to go. He takes my hand and we walk to the closest movie theater which is about a ten minute walk from the house. We decide to watch Finding Dory since the trailers were good.

Once the movie was over, we decided to get something to eat since it was already 12:30. We agree on going to McDonald's since there's one right next to the movie theater.

After lunch we head back to the house and are surprised to find Isaac's mother home. My grip on Isaac's hand tightens when she notices us come into the house. "Hi Isaac, I thought you were at school right now?" She says it more like a question than a statement.

"Well, we've had a rough couple of days and woke up late so we decided not to go today," he says. I really hope she doesn't ask questions about what happened. "Oh, okay," she says and turns towards me. "I'm Alexandra, but you can call me Alex," she says to me.

"I'm Alyssa, nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you, too. Are you the girl that I'm letting live here?" she asks me. I suddenly feel very nervous for some reason.

"Only as long as you're okay with it," I say, hoping that she won't mind.

"Of course I don't mind. You can live here as long as you want," Alex says and relief floods through me. "Have you already gotten a room set up?" she asks.

"Yeah, the room to the right of Isaac's," I say and she nods. She turns back to Isaac and says, "Your father should be coming home either tomorrow or the day after that." She turns back to me. "I really hope he'll be okay with you staying here. You're such a nice young lady."

I mumble a thank you and look down at my feet to try and hide the slight blush that I know I have. Alex chuckles and then says, "Isaac, could you hang out in your room for a minute? I'd like to talk to Alyssa for a minute."

"Okay, mom. Call me down when you're done," Isaac says and kisses me on the cheek before letting go of my hand and heading upstairs. Once he's disappeared from sight, I sit down on the couch and Alex sits in the chair.

"May I ask you what happened in the past couple days that made it so you missed school yesterday and today?" she asks.

"How did you know we missed school yesterday?"

"I got a call from the school saying that someone called you both in."

"Oh, okay. Well, I guess I'll just tell you the whole story. When I was eight, my father left me on the streets and I was taken in by a man named Dan. He was so nice to me for the first year I was living with him, but when I was nine he started drinking every night.

"He would find something to be mad at me for and then he would beat me. Then, the next morning when he would wake up, he wouldn't remember any of it. On Saturday he beat me again and I decided I was done with it. That's why I came here.

"I stayed here all weekend. Yesterday, we were about to leave for school when a police car pulled up in front of the house. The police officer said that the station had gotten a call stating that I had disappeared. We explained everything to the officer and even showed him my wounds. He called the school and told them we weren't coming so we could get living arrangements situated.

"The police officer came back that afternoon and said that they couldn't find any more evidence that I had been abused and that I had to go live with Dan again. I went back and he-" My breath hitches and I feel tears come to my eyes. I decide I just need to power through it.

"He r-raped me so I came back here and we called the police. An officer came to talk to me and she said I could live here as long as you were okay with it. They haven't caught Dan though." I concluded the events of the last couple days and a few stray tears had fallen.

Alex gets up and pulls me into a hug. "I'm so sorry that happened to you. I will do everything in my power to keep you safe. I promise," she whispers in my ear. "Thank you so much, Alex," I whisper back. We hug for another minute and then she lets go and sits back down.

"Alyssa, I just want you to know that I am here for you. If you need to talk, then you can talk to me. Know that this is now your home, too. I want you to know and remember this. You are always welcome here."

"Once again, thank you Alex. I really appreciate it."

"It's no problem. Oh, and you and Isaac are a thing?" she asks. I laugh a little bit and nod with a smile on my face.

"Okay, dear. I'm trusting you not to do anything irresponsible. Don't break that trust."

"I won't. Besides, I try to be a responsible person just as it is."

"Good, now go and hang out with Isaac." I nod and head upstairs to spend the rest of the day with Isaac.

{Edited: March 24, 2017}

Word count: 1400

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