Chapter 1

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*Third P.O.V*

I saw a man. Eyes of palest watery blue, like a creature who's spent it's life in perpetual shadow. Seems to slithers and oozes from one place to another, skulking, slinking, leering, head bobs erratically as if it's is too heavy for the thin long neck with protruding Adam's apple. Shifty eyes. Unnaturally long thin fingers, each like the tendril of a parasitic plant, reaching, searching. Wheezes, whines, whimpers, voice like silk, makes inappropriate compliments, incongruously large feet for the skinny legs with knobbly knees. Disappears like a shadow into the encroaching gloom of twilight.

I've seen him before.

That's right this his happened to me a long time ago. I think I was in grade 5 but that's not important. I remember I was in the process of moving and most of my families stuff was packed and that night I went to sleep then for some reason I woke up in the middle of the night.

As I slowly opened my eyes I began to see some bluish figure standing in my doorway.

I was shocked that something was there but as my vision got clearer I began to make out what it was. It looked like some man wearing the kind of clothes you would see people wearing from the American Revolution era (sorry I can't describe what I saw better). I only say this because I recognise the hat and the coat. 

He was looking down the hallway from my room's doorway, but then he turned his head towards me. I just remember being terrified and I tried my best to move, but it was like I was paralysed because as soon as I saw this thing I gasped and could not even shut my mouth. But as soon as he turned his and looked at me he started to fade away and I could move again...

Well, that is just one of my stories of weird things like this that has happened to me. Any ideas what the heck that was? I however kept telling myself that I was just seeing and it was my imagination but for some reason out of all the weird stuff that has happened to me I always remember that. Also this was in an old apartment if that matters.


I shot up straight in bed, i was covered in sweat and breathing heavily. I looked all around me, trying to get a hold of where I was. Thank god, I'm in my room. That was a terrible nightmare. Images flashed thought my head all at once. How will I be able to sleep after that? Will I ever be able to sleep? I thought as i lowered my body back into a layinh position and stared at the cealing. Why me? What the hell? It seems so vivid. I look outside and saw  something. Something I haven't seen in a while.

I am going to be 15 years old soon, this happened when I was 8 years old, and I still don't have an answer to explain it.

As a child I was afraid of the dark, I still am, and I always told my mom to leave the door slightly (like an inch) open before I to go to sleep. This particular night was the same as every other night. I said goodnight to my mom and she left the door how I liked it. So, I dozed off to sleep, but soon I woke up (it felt like I didn't sleep much). But, when I checked my clock it was midnight.

I sat up in my bed, and I felt somewhat strange. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed that my door was wide open, but I remember clearly that my mom left it slightly closed. In the middle of the doorway I noticed something blacker than black. I stared at it until my eyes focused and I could see the outline of what it was clearly. I looked away for a second and when I looked back It's eyes were open, staring at me, focused on me, and It's eyes were a glowing royal gold.

For some reason, I did not feel scared. I felt as though it wasn't there to hurt me, I felt very safe. I continued to stare at it, and it continued to stare at me. This wolf looked solid and after staring at it for so long I noticed fur, it never moved closer to me, it only stood at my doorway staring at me. I realized that it did not want to be touched by light, and that light did not want to be reflected off of it.

Somehow I knew it was not going to hurt me, so after burning this wolf's image in my head of how it looked, I fell asleep. I woke up around 3 a.m. in the morning and looked towards my door, it was closed shut. It was closed all the way, not how I liked it. 

I've wonder what it was. A demon? A guardian? Some wandering spirit? Well, this picture I came across one day is exactly what I saw when I was 9 years old. How could I forget? Ever since I began to wear silver jewelry, I haven't seen it. But, I feel as though It's still watching me from the shadows. Waiting... Until now. My life is seriously messed up.

I closed my eyes and let sleep take over again.


I went to bed just like I normally did, got in my PJ's, brushed my teeth etc, and hopped into bed. My bed was pressed against the wall so if I turned to my left, I would face the wall directly. I fell asleep pretty easily. But for some reason I didn't feel well. It was like someone was stabbing my stomach repetitively. Not long after that I heard a small laugh like a little girl or something, and I felt like I was being pulled through the wall. 

I opened my eyes and I saw a bunch of memories from my childhood like from when I was 2-5 and stuff. Then I saw things that had not happened yet. There was a school, and a really cute boy, a red car, and a bunch of other stuff. But it was all wizzing past me like I was on a bike or something. I woke up in the middle of the night and looked up at the ceiling. And I saw my uncle. He was stabbed to the roof and blood stained. His shirt was torn and red. I closed my eyes and started to cry. Next thing I new my mom was in front of me frowning and rubbing my head. She said I had a fever or something.

Well since then, I pulled my bed away from the wall and never slept on my back. Because seriously, I don't want to be staring at my dead uncle!

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