Chapter 7

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*Thadya P.O.V.*

The principle dragged me away since he is one of our elders and I had to listen to him. The elders are old and cranky but we still have to respect them since the used to be Alphas. After our little meeting, he let me out. Something's not right. Diana. I ran to the cafeteria to find them gone and everyone are all talking about my mate and how awesome she is. What did she do?

"Thadya!" Terra called me I turn around and saw the whole group except Diana. Where is she?

"Dude remind me to never get on your mate's bad side." James shivered. The girls kept on saying how Diana is like a hero for girls. Now I'm more than curious.

"What the hell happened  and where is Diana," I asked all of them. Grace told me how it began while Emily told me how it ended. My mate is a warrior. Throughout the story, I smiled proudly.

"Do any of you know where she is?" They all shrugged. My mates scent is not at school. Did she leave?

The bell rang maybe I'll see her later.

-End of School-

I didn't see her anywhere. Wait Mr.Blofis must know something. I rushed to his classroom and saw him there.I knocked at his door and he welcomed me in.

"How can I help you Mr.King?" He asked politely. One thing I like about Mr.Blofis is that he is very polite.

"Yes actually. Have you seen Diana? I can't seem to find her anywhere," I asked him. Desperate for answers.

"Ah, she went home just a few minutes before lunch finished."

"I see. Do you have her address? I'd like to visit her."

"Sure, why not." He wrote down her address.

"Thank you. Mr.Blofis."

"Thadya, go easy on her. She already lost too much. Take care of her. She has been through no one should go through teenager or not. She's been through so much pain so please don't hurt her." I nodded not understanding what he means and left the classroom.

When I arrived at the parking lot, I saw the group waiting for me. 

"Hey, do you have her address?" Terra asked me.

"Ya, why?" I asked her.

"I just want to visit her and make sure she is okay," she said sincerely. I nodded my head and everyone piled in their own car and we all went to Diana's house.

*Diana P.O.V.*

As soon I step into my room, I collapsed to the floor as I felt the pain as strong as a thousand daggers with poison and bullets of every shape and size sinking into my stomach. Groaning and screaming with anguish, I writhed about on the floor, clutching my body. My eyes were watery with the sheer pain and my breathing came out in sharp, shallow rasps. Sweat dripped down the side of my face and covered my forehead in a thin sheet. I screamed till my lungs gave up. I gasp for air but instead of having air, blood came out of my mouth. I reach the bottle in my bag and took a pill. Slowly the pain eased and I used my powers to remove the blood and leave no trace.

I took my diary and went to my garden and sat at the steps. Facing the blue sky with fluffy clouds. Ugh. I opened my diary and begin writing.

Dear Diary, 

I'm only away for an hour without Thadya and now I really need him. No. I'm too dangerous. My eyes flashed silver today. I won't let anger get the best of me anymore. I think being emotionless is the answer. But being with Thadya. It felt different as if he is my whole world. I hate being a monster. I've been lonely for so long. Yet Thadya brought light into my dark light even though only a little. I know that I just met him but it feels like he can light my world. From an endless pit of darkness he managed to shine even only just a little. I feel as though he can guide me out of the darkness. 

My heart and soul are broken into tiny pieces of glass. My world is like living in everyone's nightmare except in some nightmares, there are light. After the death of my parents, all I saw was darkness. Ever since then I never let anyone in. I have built wall around my heart. I'm afraid that my heart will break again. I don't think I can survive having another broken heart. I'm afraid that if I let someone in then I will be a broken mess. At times it feels like the whole world is laughing at me.

How proud do you think I am? I'm anything but happy. I'm so vulnerable. But Thadya is different. Thadya was able to slip through my wall. But i know better than to break down my wall. I haven't smiled or laughed for the past 10 years. The happiness then was so beautiful and hard to come by. The beautiful dreams that just came true, and in a blink of an eye, it's all but a broken mirror that cannot be fixed. It will always have marks.

The wind is a bit strong, the city is peaceful yet noisy. This winter I go home alone.I ask myself if I had gotten used to it yet. Without Thadya, it feels like every night, the echoes become very loud. Is there a good way to make the loneliness listen. I always ask myself the same questions all over again. How have I been lately? Are my thoughts still struggling? Am I busy, tired, does my heart still hurt?

Even if I hold hands with Thadya,I still won't have the strength to express my feelings. Mom used to tell me that yesterday was far. Tomorrow is still long. The memories are vague but large. This way I can stop the late night tears from falling. Dad told me that if I really have to forget someone quickly head towards happiness. I always try to always aim for the moon but I always miss and I fell into the stars. 

 I thought that Home is a heaven from the noisy world. An open door to my sanctuary. It makes feel safe and snug even when I am sad. All those are true when my parents are still alive. But now they are all gone. They promise to always stay by my side but those were empty promises. It was a lie when they told me to never be afraid of the darkness. The darkness is what that has monsters. How can I not be afraid of it. But over the years, i have made the darkness fear me. But even at times they can still attack me.

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