Chapter 12- Tara

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"You danced beautifully. You should be very proud of yourself for just starting back a few weeks ago." Ms. Rhaine complimented again. I gave a small smile in return. In a lot of ways she reminded me a lot of my mother and Aunt Trisha. Though she looked nothing like either of them. But the way she acted. Her mannerisms...The tough on the outershell, but was really warm and caring on the inside...those reminded me of my mother and Aunt Trisha. 

"Thank you." I wrote, "Ms. Rhaine, this may sound like a very weird request. But would you mind me giving me a hug?"

Her brows furrowed together, "Why, of course. But may I ask why?"

"You just remind me a lot of my mother and Aunt Trisha. I miss them." I wrote with a sad smile and I showed it to her. Ms. Rhaine nodded with a soft sad smile of her own. Slowly, as if she was afraid to spook me, she reached out and wrapped her arms gently around my small frame. After she pulled away, she paused to gaze at me. Her eyes were soft.

"I'm sure," she said gently, "That your mother and aunt are very proud of you."


I gazed at Christian with a soft smile lighting my face. It was a few weeks later. By this time tomorrow it would be official, I would have lived with Christian and Drew for six months. With each passing day, I could feel myself relaxing more and more around them.

But there was that voice in the back of my head. That voice that constantly nagged me not to get too comfortable...or to feel too safe with them, because I knew the second I did, the other shoe would drop and I would end up...

I didn't know where I would end up and that fear was paralyzing. Because I didn't know what would happen to me. How many nights had I wasted thinking when I should've been sleeping? What would happen to me when Drew and Christian did grow tired of me? I shivered at the thought.

"Tara?" I turned my head to look at Christian, who was staring at me with his eyebrows raised.

"Are you cold?" But before I could answer his question, he was already up and shrugging off his hoodie to wrap around me. I could feel my cheeks began to warm at his gesture. Sure, it was something he always seemed to do for me.

Lately though, I had begun to feel...deeper for him. I didn't know what it was, but lately, when he came into the room- it felt as if there were a blanket ofwarmth was around me. Like nothing could touch me. What that love? Is that what these feelings were? Or was it possible that I could be mistaking love for security? But whatever it was, I wasn't quite sure I liked it, because if I was developing feelings for him,that meant I was growing too attached to him. Getting attached was a dangerous thing for me.

But I glanced over at him again as he sat back down. I liked the fluttering I felt in my stomach whenever he was near. Taking a deep breath, I pulled out my notepad.

"Christian? Can I try something?" After writing the note carefully in my neatest handwriting, I poked his shoulder, handing him the note. He looked back at me then. His head was cocked to the side.

"What do you want to try?" He asked, sounding amused now. He was wearing his smirk. A smirk that I had grown to love. I was prepared for his question. I handed him another note.

"Do you trust me?" I couldn't tell him outright that would be mortifying. He nodded his head, his right eyebrow disappearing under his hairline.

"Then shut your eyes." Christian gave me a quizzical look, before slowly shutting his eyes. Taking a deep breath, I tried to calm the fluttering in my stomach. I took another deep breath, my hands clenched around the notepad.

 On three. I thought to myself. One...Two...Three.

"Christian." My voice. Something I hadn't heard in over three years. I didn't recognize it at first. So many things had happened in those years. For one, I had gone through puberty and was now a young woman, instead of the little eleven year old I once was. Then there was my voice being horse from years of not being used

Apparently Christian was thinking the same thing, because his eyes snapped opened as soon as his name left my lips, eyes bulging open to look at me.

 "Was that..." He trailed off, before shaking his head.

"Was that you that just spoke?" He sounded so hopeful. Hope was a very powerful thing. Hope could either make you or break you depending on what you were hoping for. Like every time I hoped I wouldn't be moved. Then when I would be moved it would crush me. Eventually I just stopped. Stopped caring, stopped getting attached, just stopped my emotions. I was a shell.

    But now staying with Christian and Drew for the past six months had turned my emotions back on and as I looked at Christian's hopeful gaze, I realized that I cared about that. I cared about him being happy. I cared about keeping that smile on his face. I cared about him. Nodding my head at his question, a grin split my lips. 

    "Training Bra!" He stood up with a gleeful shout, before he pulled me up with him. Then he wrapped his arms around my waist and twirled me around twice.

"You just spoke! You did it!" I giggled at his excitement. It was only one word. I had only said his name, yet he was acting as if I had given him a million dollars.

 "Tara," he whispered finally, a twinge in his voice I couldn't place. But it made a delightful shiver run down my spine. His hands reached up to cup my face. With a jolt I realized what was happening, not only was I relaxed, but I also was happy.

I was happy for the rest of the day, until we went back to the house and I saw my social worker sitting in the living room. Drew sat beside him wearing a guilty look. "Tara, I'm sorry."

 Those were the last words I heard, before I went numb again.


Hey Guys! Sorry for the long delay, but in my defense I meant to have this up last November. But thinks happened and yeah.  I'm sorry. But I have not abandoned this story! Next chapter is in Christian's point of view and it'll be painful. I already have it planned out. So I'll see you guys next chapter! Remember to follow me on twitter! Link is in my profile

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