Chapter 2

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           He had followed the queen into the carriage. There was no option but to do as she said. She was the queen after all. He was instructed to sit next to the princess. Princess Ava was a young princess with dark blond hair. Many said she was the most beautiful girl in the kingdom, but they said that about every princess. Sitting next to her, however, Connor learned that the rumors were not as far fetched as he had first thought.
          The first fifteen minutes in the carriage were awkward for Connor. The queen spent the time chatting away while he searched for ways to escape and run away. The princess didn't speak a word, but stole curious glances at the boy next to her. The king also kept his eyes on Connor, but it was for a different reason. Connor became more uncomfortable by the minute.
         Connor had loosened his ropes holding his hands behind his back and slipped his hands out careful not to make a sound. The carriage slowly came to a stop. One of the captors undid the blindfold on Connor. Connor whipped his hands around and knocked the captor back. He stood up inside the carriage and allowed his eyes to adjust. The captor began to stand again. Connor raced to tackle him down once more. After he had brought the first captor back down he was hit on the head with enough force to send him crumbling to the floor. His vision blurred a little as the second captor threw him against the side of the carriage. Another grabbed him and began binding him again. His sight landed on the still sleeping princess. He had no idea how she could've slept through the scene that had just played out.
        The queen finally landed on her wedding story fifteen minutes later. At the beginning of the story Connor visibly flinched. Everyone in the kingdom knew the story about how the queen disliked rings so the king got her a diamond bracelet for their wedding. The same bracelet that happened to be in his possession at the moment. He leaned out the window in search of a distraction and spotted a large bump in the road up ahead. Coincidence or not he took the chance. As they hit the bump he slipped the bracelet onto the carriage floor in front of the queen. When she reached the climax of her story and looked for her bracelet it looked as if it had just slipped off her wrist. While she and the princess were just happy to find it, the king was convinced that Connor had something to do with it.
          The captors watched Connor carefully for the next ten minutes. The captors had removed their blindfold and gags. Connor kept stealing glances at the sleeping princess. After ten minutes the captors filed out and left Connor and the princess. Connor looked over at the princess again. It looked as if she had blinked. Something made Connor say, "They're gone," and her eyes flew open.

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