Chapter 15

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"Rise and shine," exclaimed a cheery voice as the curtains the to secret room where yanked open, allowing sunlight to poor into the room and onto the four semi-sleeping teenagers. "We will not be idle today," King Ben continued.

Mal groaned as she sat up. "What time is it?" She yawned.

"Mal, it's noon," Ben chuckled. He walked over to her and wrapped her in a bear hug. "Long night?"

"Mhm," Mal murmured. "Evie kept kicking me in her sleep." She explained, still hugging him.

"Oh yeah? Well Jay actually kicked me off the bed," Carlos spat as he trudged to the kitchen to pour himself a glass of chocolate milk.

Ben turned to look at the two remaining teenagers who were in Evie's bed. Evie had her head on Jay's chest, and he had an arm wrapped around her torso. Both were still slightly snoring.

"They could sleep through anything," Mal bet.

"Anything?" Ben questioned. Mal raised an eyebrow and Ben smirked. He walked over to the bed and pushed down on it with his hands before giving Mal a wink. Then he took off his shoes and stood on the bed, jumping around and above the sleeping couple. "RISE AND SHINE!!" Evie screamed in surprise when she opened her eyes, which then caused Jay to jump awake. Ben jumped off of the bed and sauntered to Mal, wrapping his arm around her waist. "Mission accomplished."

Jay groaned as he got out of bed and joined Carlos in the kitchen.

"Was that really necessary?" Evie asked as she rolled out of the bed.

"I don't believe it was uncalled for," Ben smiled.

Evie sighed as she walked into the bathroom to take a shower.

Ben led Mal into the kitchen where Jay and Carlos were sitting in barstools. "Any plans for today?" He asked the two boys.

"I'm going to play one of the movies," Carlos announced. While in the library he had gathered as much informative material as possible, in true Carlos fashion. This included all the movies involving their parents. He walked to the TV area, pulled out the DVDs and put the first one in the DVD player before sitting on the couch.

"And you?" Ben asked Jay.

"Well we can't really go anywhere," Jay spat. "So I guess I'm hanging around here."

"Maybe we can have some people over again," Mal suggested.

"Actually," Ben started. "I have something to show you." Mal tilted her head and bit her lip. "The fairies have finished examining your mother. You can visit her now if you'd like."

Mal'a jaw dropped.

"Is.... Is she..." She stammered.

"Yes," Ben answered. "She's still a lizard. And she's harmless; as far as the fairies can tell." Mal'a face scrunched as she became lost in thought. "You don't have to visit her! It's only an option that's just become available so I thought that maybe you'd like..."

"Yeah, I'd like to visit her," Mal interrupted. "Let's do that today."

"Alrighty then," Ben smiled at his girlfriend.

The three then ignored Carlos's scream as his mother appeared on the television.

"Will you and Evie be alright?" Ben questioned Jay.

"Yeah," Jay nodded. "We'll just hang out here."

Ben reached his hand out to Mal and she accepted it with a smile. He then led her out of the room, leaving Jay with an antsy Carlos.

Carlos was slightly shaking as the screen zoomed in on his mothers face. Jay slowly sneaked up behind the young boy, grabbing his shoulders unexpectedly and yelling "Wash my car!"

Carlos screamed and jumped off the couch, turning to face his smirking friend.

"Not funny," he pouted.

"Kind of funny," Jay smiled, slyly.

"What was that?" Evie asked as she emerged out of the bathroom. She was wearing a black skirt and a dark blue blouse, with her hair in loose curls and still slightly wet from her shower.

"Jay being a jerk," Carlos huffed.

Evie chuckled as she put a hand on her hip.

"Play nice."

Jay smiled at Evie, completely forgetting that he was busy pestering Carlos.

Carlos walked over to his box of research materials.

"Dang it!" He exclaimed, pulling Jay out of his stupor.

"What?" Jay asked, turning towards the younger boy.

"I forgot one of the movies. I didn't checkout Sleeping Beauty."

"I can go get it," Evie announced. "I'm getting sick of being trapped in here anyways."

Carlos smiled.

"You can't do that!" Jay interjected. Evie and Carlos looked at him oddly. "Our parents are roaming around!"

"Oh, I'll be fine," Evie assured him.

"Too bad," Jay smirked, walking up the the blue-haired princess. "Not risking it. I will be your personal bodyguard."

Evie smiled at the boy in front of her. "Well if you insist," she flirted back.

Jay smiled as Evie turned and went to her side of the room to grab her purse. Carlos gave Jay a sly look.

"What?" Jay asked.

Carlos held up the copy of Sleeping Beauty.

"Have fun with your girlfriend."

Jay gave Carlos a look and immediately turned to Evie. "Ready?"

"Let's go," Evie announced, walking past Jay to the door. Jay followed closely behind and Carlos smirked at his friend until he was out of sight.

The pair walked down various hallways, out the front door, and down a pathway leading through a garden before Evie turned to the ex-con.

"So, did you put Carlos up to sending us away together? Or was that his own doing?"

Jay rubbed the back of his neck.

"Hey, I'm innocent," he smirked.

"Are you?" Evie pursed her lips. "You could of just asked me to go for a walk if you wanted to be alone."

"Hey, I'm innocent," he insisted. He spared a glance and her red, glossy lips. "But, now that we are alone..."

Jay leaned in towards the princess. Evie smiled and mirrored his movements, but at the last second turned away and pulled him into a hug. Jay chuckled.

"What was that?"

Evie waited a second before pulling away. She looked down at the ground and shrugged.

"Evie," Jay smiled, a little nervous (although he'd never admit it). "Would you like to go on a date with me?"

Evie smiled. "Of course!"

Jay smiled down at the beautiful princess.

"Great. Let's do it now."

Evie laughed loudly as Jay took her hand and rushed her down the pathway.

"Eager, much?"


Hey guys!

Hope you're ready for the first official JAYVIE DATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please vote and comment! Honestly, the comments are what keep me excited, which means that there will be a smaller wait for the next chapter.

Love you all! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2016 ⏰

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