s i x t h ~ m e e t i n g

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The next night, I planned on heading to Robert Trip's grave, all showered and dressed nicely. I even combed back my hair and sprayed on some cologne, which I only do for special occasions. 

"Son, you look.....different...." dad walked into the kitchen. I smirked and ran out the door, still hearing his muttering about the dim lights. I walked all the way to Kimberly's usual spot and sat on the bench. 

Half an hour passed by, and I glanced around. I stood up, sighing, and started walking back to the house, when I felt a warm hand on my shoulder. I quickly turned, scared.

"BOO!" Kimberly yelled in my ear. I grimaced, laughing and started tickling her. Soon she fell on the ground, laughing hysterically. But her hand swiped the dirt on her fathers grave, leaving a big hole.

"Oh god, oh god oh god oh god," she mumbled, trying to layer the dirt back together. I ran to the shed and brought back a shovel, helping her pact together the dirt. Kimberly sighed, wiping the tears falling from her cheeks.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

"Yeah. I'm fine. Perfectly fine," she mumbled. Then Kimberly took a ring out of her purse and placed it on her dad's grave. 

"I gotta go."

"Wait, I thought we were gonna talk," I stood up, taking Kimberly's hand.

"I know, I want to. But tonight I'm Kelli's designated driver...she went to a party." 

I sighed, nodding. Then she waved, and I headed back to the house.

the graveyard girlWhere stories live. Discover now