Chapter 10: Home Sweet Home

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"Hey doofus your alive"Sam exclaimed as she ran over to me and gave me a noogey. 

"I guess" I sighed 

"Excuse me" Nikki coughed slightly trying his best for attention

"Saved the best for last" Sam said while squeezing Nikki when she looked back at me she mouth no I didn't. I started laughing and Nikki looked back quite confused

We finally got home after hours of walking, we all decided to enjoy a nice cold beer and talk and laugh about how this week ended up and how side ways it was. Like the spider Nikki trying to kill me same as Sam but it wasn't that lethal. Just pushing me into a doorless pit trying to find someone we weren't even sure that was still alive. Or how the a house flew away from us and that night Nikki was gone and I got drunk with Sam. Well I think it's about to be another drunk day considering we were all on our second beer closing in one our third.

While Nikki and Sam were laughing their guts out i though how much I like Sam she was pretty, funny, intelligent and demanding. Nikki was just as great funny in his own way smart, cool and cute. However if i told either one of them my feelings it could backfire and end up with them never talking to me again and then the other person having to choose between one of us. The other person that did not get chosen would be sad and every time see us would break out in tears and act crazy. Then we would feel bad about it and the person that had to choose would switch and then it would be an endless circle going over and over. I didn't realize in the meantime of all that stressing out over nothing I became first in the race for most drinks I was on my fifth and they were on their third.

Nikki left for the washroom and I moved closer to Sam right when i did that there was a huge raw connection between us. The reason behind that was because 3 seconds later we were snogging without a car in the world if Nikki saw us. But that was not the case 

"What the fuck" Nikki screams at the top of his lungs we separate almost instantly Nikki has always been the over dramatic one.

"so my two best friends which are fucking girls by the way sorry didn't know if you knew that go at it in my house while I'm in MY bathroom. So how long" He asks pissed

"it sort of just happened" I said cautiously watching my words

"Just happened" 

"yeah you death"

"No why the fuck are you talking back to me"

"Your the one who's being overally sexist to me and Sam right Sam" Sam just stared at me blankly looking that i just stepped in something i should happened.

"first you can't talk to me that way second your the one who is snogging in MY living room third leave now"

"fine" Once I slammed the door I could hear Nikki say

"Home Sweet Home"

A Life Unseenजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें