scars (alex)

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I noticed sprat was keeping his distance. I don't blame him I'm not to nice when I'm pissed off. "You ok sprat?" I asked for reason I'll never know.

"Uh yea I'm fine. Are you ok?" he asked. "Yea I'm fine." I lied. What was bugging me was my mother. She always seems too ashamed to tell people that I'm gay. She can't accept it.

"No I'm not really ok but talking about it still kinda hurts." I said. I couldn't lie to him (and I really don't know why)

"You want to talk about it?" he asked. "Yea but maybe later let's get this project done." I said.

My 3rd, my support class, went ok even though I did nothing but look at my homework.  Lunch was good I hung out with some of my gothic friends, I didn't see sprat so he must be hiding. 5th period I saw him, cause again its another class I have with him. We had to have lab partners so we worked together... but when that period came to an end me dreded going to 7th that class always sucked. P.E. I hated changing out in front of everyone. Eyes all over my body. I don't like seeing the other guys walk around in towels and boxers. Even if it's a gay guys favorite thing. I don't like showering in there, knowing that everyone can see me. the boys locker room is not a safe place for the outsiders it's a place where they can make fun of your weight, size of you jewels, your hair, your body, how you carry yourself, how you look (with or without cloths on) and especially your sexuality. I normally wait for everyone to leave before I remove anything from myself. I am the last to undress and the last to redress.

But this time I'm not alone, sprat is one of the last people to walk in the dressing room.  He searched the room to see if it was clear. "You're clear." I said looking over my shoulders to make sure. I hadn't taken anything off yet either.

"Oh ok." He said walking in and setting his backpack down. He dug out a longs leave black and with striped shirt and very baggy shorts, along with that he pulled out a pair of very long socks.

"Why do you need the socks?" I asked pulling out my cloths, a simple black t shirt and basketball shorts.

"Um no reason." He said taking his shoes off. "um would you mind looking away?" his face grew slightly red.

"Yea no problem." I turned my back a pulled off my jacket. I turned around to grab my shirt, at that time sprat was pulling off his. I noticed on his arms. There were marks. Where the pale skin was red and scabby. There where marks from the past openings. I knew what they are from. I didn't know if I should say anything. Was it any of my concern?

I must have started to long because sprat quickly put his gym shirt on in a rush. "I told you not to look!" he said sounding embarrassed. His face was now a bright red and he tugged the sleeve to hide the past of self-harming.

 "I'm sorry I didn't mean to stare!" I turned around and slipped my shirt on and my shoes off. I decide that my boxers where cute enough for him to see. I undid my belt and pulled my pants off. Ii put my gym shorts on in a hurry. The feeling of eyes I couldn't stand. I started shoving my cloths back into my backpack when I again caught a glimpse of sprat's skin his, skin that looked perfect but his arms. He rolled the socks up to his knees. He slipped his shoes on, he was still red I the face. "Ready to go?" he asked.

They just started warm up when we walked in. we joined in after they finished a round. "Keep up with me if you can." I smirk and took my stance and blotted off. "Is that a challenge?" sprat said. He had no trouble catching up and passing me. "Not far you've got short legs!" I said, as he dashed off in front of me.

We finished our 7 laps before they had gotten four in. we finished warm ups while the others finished up last. 

On to the big thing were doing today. Dodge ball. What fun? No its not but oh well sprat made in a lot of fun.

Even if we were on separate teams. I threw the ball and he being as agile as a cat on cat nip he dodged it with ease. He retaliated by throwing one back smacking me straight in the chest. "Ha I got you!" he said pointing at me and laughing "yes you did but next time you aren't going to be so lucky!" I said standing of the side and waited to get back in. luckily it was only a 2 minute wait be for I was let lose to seek revenge.

I got him good square in the back while he fumbling to catch a ball. "Not fair." He said rubbing his back. "Well you got me so it's only fair." I said grinning for ear to ear.

"Ok kids go get showered and ready to get out of here!" the gym teacher said.

Sprat started to walk to the showers when I stopped him. "lets wait the showers get crowded." I said looking around. I looked around to see who else waited to take a shower. When they all left.  Iguess we wernt the only  one who felt insecure about our selfs. There where only 5 of us who took the last shower. I walked out to put my cloths back on. Sprat was way ahead of me. He was just putting his shirt on when I slipped my pants back on. When I finaly got everything back on. Sprat was standing by the door. "ready yet?" he said. "yep." I smiled.

                We walked and talked till we got home. "well sprat ill see you later!" I smiled and waved goodbye.

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