walks to parks (alex)

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It was a sunny Saturday. I was waking up at around 9:30 in the morning not that I slept that much as it is.

            I heard the doors slam and the foot stomps of a small 12 year old running to the kitchen. Katie. The child that should just live with us.

“Good morning Katie.” I heard my mother say. “Hello Ms. Carter.” Katie said sweet and innocent. I tuned out and flipped over in my bed.

About a few minutes later I felt pressure. A huff of pain ran through and the body rolled off of me. “ALEX WAKE UP!” a small Childs voice screamed in my ears. Katie….

            I rolled over and the big green eyes glowed into my pale brown ones. “What Katie?” I growled at the small child disturbing my sleep. “Wake up for breakfast!” she smiled getting off of me and prancing out of my room.

 I sighed and threw my blankets off of me and sat up. The older I get the more I want to just sleep forever. Standing up I threw on a t-shirt and walked down to the kitchen.

 “Nice of you to join us Alex.” My mother smiled at me mixing pancake batter.

“Trust me if it wasn’t for a little girl I would still be sleeping cozy in the place that still holds me.’ I said rubbing my face.

“Waffles or pancakes?” mother asked

 Waffles!” Katie announced.

I looked down at her blond bangs covering most of her left eye. “Um pancakes.” I growled in her face. “hmph! Fine!” she said glaring at me then crossing her arms in anger.

After finishing the great pancakes. I took a very hot shower and put on a pair of black skinny jeans, and a MCR tee. After straightening me shoulder length hair. (I should cut it) I walked down to the living room were mother was standing in front of the door. “You can take Katie to the park ok?” she said walking away. “go see is the neighbor and his brother will come with you.” She turned into the kitchen not looking back for those last words.

“COME ON KATIE LETS GO TO THE PARK!” I yelled up the stairs. “OK!” she yelled back running down the stairs.

            I walked out the front door with the small girl behind me. I held her hand walking a crossed the street and all the way up to the front door. I rang the doorbell and patiently waited for some one to answer the door….

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