( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)/ Doll

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Shoutout to whoever comments the word count of: "fuck"

Even as drunk as I might've been, I could still treasure every single detail of Mika's existence through the haze. Not enough drinks in the world could retain me from recognizing those pretty sapphire, sleepy eyes and shiny, soft blond hair. I stifled a laugh from the couch in the living room as he crept at the corner of the dim corridor end, drunk and heavy-lidded as well just spying on me.

I see you, too.

God, he was so precious.

Precious and sexy. Fuck, he was wearing probably the most sexiest thing he owned. Under the clothes we wore just that day, I couldn't believe such perfect lingerie hugged his body. The lace, the buckles, the straps... Mika wearing straps anywhere on his body made me want to do an eternity's worth of dirty, pleasurable things to his body.

Especially straps around his thighs and waist... So easy to grip and pull him closer to me...

Those thick, black thigh-highs... His thin-knit lacy shirt...

How the hell does he even get into everything? The fact that he could maneuver into all of it turned me on even further.

I lounged back against the cushions, loosening my tie as he carefully walked up with a red cup and some blurry, shiny device in his hands. I raised my eyebrows, fighting a smile.

"Ahaaa, here goes my prey," he excitedly announced in a whisper to the device with playful caution, setting his cup on the coffee table before sashaying up to me.

Puzzled, I stifled laughter, making way for him to lecherously crawl up in between my legs on the seat. He pulled his bottom pink lip into his mouth, gently caressing my neck as he took a seat upon my lap, elegantly garbed in his enticing lingerie, thick thighs pressed onto my sides, his posture clearly arousing me. Considering how perfect his back arch was, and how much more flexible he'd become, I refused to deny my excitement.

Not like I could anyways. He was sitting right on the mountain in my pants.

He peered into the viewfinder, teasingly playing with my lip. "...All sexy and laid out for me... They say creatures this beautiful are only native to the suburbs."

He narrated to God knows whom, smiling frivolously at me the whole time. I curiously gazed at the lens, squinting at it from under the lamp light. I couldn't help but to laugh at his little commentary.

He carried on, little Aussie accent sounding ever so cute.

"Look at this one... He's a rare one; emerald eyes, silky black hair - he's a beauty. Uh oh, he seems to be a little drowsy however..."

I smirked at him, running my hand up the exposed side his soft leg. God he looked so fucking sexy when he wore garter belts and something barely concealing up top...

I sighed deeply, wanting to kiss his warm skin...

...smelling irresistibly fresh...

He giggled, "Ohhh, I see... Amazing. This creature wants to mate." He panned the camera down to my hand, then back up again. "He's clearly performing the mating signal."

"What's with the outback talk?" I chuckled before a small hiccup.

He tilted his head slightly with a shy smile. "Don't you like nature programs?"

This guy...

"Oh, my god," I chuckled, holding steady his smooth waist. He grinned drunkenly down at me, slowly moving against me as I bit on my lip.

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