What The...?

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I was silent as the humans looked down at themselves. 

"Haha,  I was wondering when that stupid spell would be over!" The shark dude said. 

"Oh shush, You know that it won't be long till we change back." Said the peirced dude. 

"Why did you have to piss off the witch Tobi? Yeah," Said blonde. 

"Tobi didn't think he pissed off the witch that bad..." 

"Ah, what the hell is going on?!" I finally spoke up. 

"We are taking over your house." The peirced man said. 

"It's my house, not yours." I glared. 

"We can easily kill you." 


"Well, let us explain who we are and-" 

"I know who you all are, Akatsuki..." 

"Oh, well that saved a lot of fucking time." Said Hidan while smirking. 

"TOBI NEEDS TO PEE!" Tobi said as he took off down the hall. 

I sighed softly and shook my head, 

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kick you out..." I whispered. 

"Would you kick out 9 cute kittens?" Kisame asked while smiling. 

I was silent, I loved kittens... Yes... But... they turn into humans... Suddenly a knock at my door.

"Shit! Shit! What time is it?!" I asked while looking at the clock to see it was 11 in the morning. 

I started panicking. My friends were coming over to watch the newest Twilight movie with me. Granded i hated who they picked for Edward, but my friends were nerds for it. I began to sprint around my room, thinking of something. The people who were standing in my room, completely naked still, were staring at me while I paced. The knocks continued. I groaned. 

"Can't you guys change back or something?!" I panicked. 

"No, it only happens when we need to. And we don't need to." Pein said while crossing his arms. 

"CHANGE BACK!" I shouted.



"Okay! okay!" 

Pein sighed and suddenly a poof of smoke and 9 kittens were on the ground, Pein obvously didn't like me right now. I rushed to the door and opened it. 

"God, took you long enough." My friend, Morgan said while walking inside. 

Morgan, Luke, and Britney walked in my house. I hoped to god that the kittens stayed in my room. Morgan popped in the movie and we all plopped down on the couch. Half way through the movie, I heard a meow. My heart stop and I looked down to see none other then Hidan. My friends all looked down at the kitten. 

"AW!" Shouted Morgan as she picked up Hidan and hugged it tightly. 

"So cute!" Britney said. 

"Ah..." I mumbled as I held up one finger. 

Suddenly all 9 of them came out and climbed all over the couch. 

"Oh shit, didn't take you as a cat lover." Morgan laughed. 

"They... came into my house..." i mumbled. 

"They are so cute!" Britney was being loved on by Tobi, who was enjoying the attention. 

Tobi suddenly nugged against Britney's cheek. Hidan sneaked between Morgan's breasts. I facepalmed and sighed. 

"They are so cute! Can I take one home?!" 

"yeah, take them all home..." I mumbled under my breath. 

Then I felt pain up my arm to see that it was Pein, glaring at me. 

"Sorry, can't take them home. But you can come over anytime to see them.' I rolled my eyes. 

"Awwww, come on! Let me take this one home, what's his name?" 


"Like the Akatsuki?" 

"Yeah, they are all named after them." 

"Who do I have?!" Britney asked. 



I sighed, I had to get rid of these cats.... I had to... 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2013 ⏰

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