Freaks of Greenfield High (Chapter 12)

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Freaks of Greenfield High

By Maree Anderson

Chapter Twelve

The first words out of Caro's mouth when she barreled through the entrance doors were, "I still can't believe you live in the same building as my favorite recycled clothing boutique!"

Because Caro seemed to expect a response, Jay said, "Yes. I believe I mentioned my apartment is on the top floor."

"That's so cool!"

"It certainly seems that way."

"Do you shop there?" Caro asked. And then, casting her gaze over Jay's jeans and t-shirt, answered her own question. "I guess not."

Jay examined the clothing Caro wore more closely. She'd already mentioned to Jay that she'd purchased the outfit at Black Angel. The ensemble consisted of a black vinyl corset-style bustier worn overtop a blood-red t-shirt, a tattered net skirt, and red leggings. The red-toned eye shadow Caro had dusted around her eye sockets made the contrast of her green eyes all the more startling. They glowed like she was some otherworldly creature. Her lipstick was an unexpectedly deep green that complemented her eyes.

Caro preened beneath Jay's attention. "It's my pseudo-Goth look. I figured I'd wear it today to shock the natives. What do you think?"

"I like it," Jay said. "I presume you didn't practice in that outfit."

Caro snickered. "Of course not. Bettina would've had a cow. I ditched the skirt and corset."

"You should be banned from that store," Tyler said. "You look like you're suffering a bad case of goth-witch-itis."

"Gee, thanks, bro." Caro made a point of sweeping her gaze over Tyler's tatty sneakers, worn jeans, and plain black t-shirt that had been through the wash so many times it was more gray than black. "Coming from you, that really inspires me to make more of an effort with my appearance."

"I think you look amazing," Jay told her.

"All you need to complete the look is a tat," Tyler said.

Caro blinked. "Really?"

"I was joking."

"Still...." Caro heaved a hugely disgruntled sigh. "Like Mom's ever gonna let me get a tattoo."

Tyler snorted. "Like you'd ever handle the pain of getting one. Besides, if you really were stupid enough to get some spider-web tat all over your neck, or face, or wherever, you'd be screwed once this phase wears off. You'd have to save up to get it lasered or something."

"What makes you think it's a phase?" Caro demanded. "And I'm not stupid enough to tattoo my face. I was thinking more the back of my neck, or my hip. Or even the base of my spine."

"Ick," said Tyler. "I'm imagining old, wrinkly pensioners with saggy tattooed skin, just so's you know. Sure doesn't do much for me."

Caro paused to consider that. She grimaced. "Much as I hate to admit it, you got a point."

"I can't imagine you with saggy skin and wrinkles," Jay said. It was the truth. For some reason she had yet to fathom, she couldn't visualize Caro as old. Or Tyler, for that matter.

Tyler laughed. "Happens to us all, eventually."

"Mmmm." Growing old with Tyler—Jay could do it of course, outwardly age her appearance to keep pace with his aging process. Spending the rest of Tyler's life with him.... It was something to consider.

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