Chapter 8

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Hanna POV

We all stare at her as she stands there weakly and drained of her energy. Emily hugs Alison from behind and I hold my eye lock with Charlotte. Within seconds police officers sprint onto the roof and grab Charlotte, "NO STOP!" I scream and reach for her. 

"Hanna let them go," Spencer says and leads us downstairs. We all end up in a circle of people around Radley's entrance and the police dragging Charlotte to a cop car but I run over, "no you can't take her to jail. Please."

They look at me oddly and Alison comes over, "she's right. Please. She's my sister and she's sick. She needs help, mentally wise." Charlotte looks at me and they take the cuffs off of her.

I walk over to her and she sniffles, "will you visit at least?"

I close my eyes and breathe in heavily, "I don't know..."

"I didn't want to hurt you."

"You made me...feel so special," I say as I look up into her blue oceanic eyes. "I'm sorry."

"I know. good okay? Please." I walk into her arms and she hugs me instantly. I feel so safe here. So loved by her. But I can't let her know that. Not now, especially. I need to get away from her. She tried to kill me and my friends!

But she's sick...she didn't know better.

"Hanna!" Caleb comes over and I feel Charlotte tense up but she lets me go when I pull away. "Are you okay? What the hell happened?" He hugged me instantly and it felt so different from Charlotte's embrace.

It felt rougher, less safe. "I'm fine Caleb, really," I assure him and he glares at Charlotte, "what the hell is Cece doing here?"

Charlotte sighs and Alison comes over, "we figured everything out. They're driving you to Welby State Psychiatric Hospital."


"Wait. Is she Charles? You're a dude?" Caleb glowered at her and I nudged him, "stop."

"Be careful," I say sincerely to Charlotte and she sniffles, nodding. I can see the fear emitting from her body. "Hey," I whisper and take her hand.

She looks at me and I walk over, out of Caleb's arms. "You're going to be okay. Be strong, alright?"

I can feel everyone watching curiously but I don't let it faze me. "I'm scared."

"I know you are. You'll be okay. I promise."

I rub her hand, tracing patterns before I hug her again and my head rests on her chest cozily. After a few moments I hear Caleb say annoyingly, "Hanna. Come on."

I pull away from Charlotte and nod, "goodbye. Charlotte."

She gets into the police car with Alison by her side and I watch as they drive away.

"Let's all stay together tonight?" Spencer says and I nod. "Your place."

"I'll see you later," I say to Caleb and he nods, "I love you. You know that, right?"

"Yeah. Of course...I love you too," I say to him but it doesn't feel right. It feels like I'm betraying someone. And I know exactly who I am betraying. But I can't love her! She made her decision! She manipulated me. She made my life a living hell and I don't know if I can ever truly forgive her for that.

I get grabbed by Emily who takes me into her car and we all drive to Spencer's house to get one good night sleep.

"So what now?" Aria says and Emily sits up, "I am waiting for Ali."

"Em she probably won't be coming home let's just go to be-" "I'm waiting for Ali."

I look down at my hands and felt my chest for my necklace.


"Well then fuck him! He doesn't deserve you Hanna. Don't let anyone, especially men bring you down on your looks. Especially when they are more than wrong. And stop that. You're not overweight. If anything, you're under. Purging will only make you anorexic Hanna. I can't let that happen to you. I won't let it happen to you...Here." She clasped the necklace behind my neck and smiled, "gorgeous."

"It is," I said, looking in the mirror but Cece shook her head, "no. I meant you. The necklace just adds to the beauty."

A tear rolled down me cheek and she turned me back to her, cupping my cheeks. "Don't cry," she whispered, then brushed a tear away with her thumb.

End of Flashback

"Hanna? Are you okay? You're crying," Spencer says, rubbing my back. I sniff and wipe the tears off my face, releasing the necklace on my neck, "yeah sorry. I just...I can't believe it's over."

"Yeah same here. It's been years and soon we're all going to college."

"God I can't wait to get out of here," Aria says and Spencer nods, "same here. I can't wait to be free of Rosewood and A and everything else."

I sigh and nod, "goodnight guys."

2 Months Later (August 26, 2013) (Because PLL time is fucked up and k lmao)

"I love you," Alison says to Emily who smiles and nods, "love you too." They hug and I am leaning against my car. We all said goodbye already and Alison comes over to me, "have you visited?"


I search my chest and grab the necklace Charlotte gave me. The diamond heart touched my hand and I close my eyes.

"She's been asking about you Han. I'm not saying you should go but it would help. Not just Charlotte too."

I gulp and nod, "I know...bye Ali." I hug her and kiss her cheek.

"Bye Hanna."

Spencer grins as she walks over, "my Hanna Banana."

I smile and hug her tightly again, "love you Spence." "I love you too. Stay safe."

I get into my car and we all honk our horns as we drive off and I see Ali standing, smiling but then it fades into a frown as she looks down at her hands.

I sigh and think about my choices.

But I already made up my mind.

I continue driving and honk again at Alison before I'm on the highway.

FIT, here I come.


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~stay fearless~

caleigh <13

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