Chapter 11: "Always belonged to someone else."

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Chapter 11: "Always belonged to someone else."

I anxiously waited for Hope to call me after her date that was our thing. After each date with a new person, I'd call her or she'd call me. As I was lying on my bed holding my guitar, I heard my doorbell ring. Hope's voice traveled into my room and a few moments later she walked into my room with a glowing smile.

"Someone looks happy?" I asked her.

"Yes." She said in an airy tone.

"Did your date go well? I said wondering.

"It was amazing! I don't know I just really like this guy. He's different." She told me.

"You said that about Alex and-"

Hope cut me off.

"I don't want to hear about that, Adam. Okay I don't need you telling me who I should date." She said irritated.

"Im not telling you who you should date, I just don't think you're ready."

Hope was getting mad, and I didn't care because I knew she needed to hear it. When she was mad her nostrils flared and she moved all of her hair to one side.

"I think you are. How would you know that I'm ready? You're not me, are you?"

"No, but I've seen you get hurt too many times. I just don't know Hope. Maybe if you stopped dating so many guys and sleeping with them, people wouldn't call you-" "shit I just made a big mistake." I thought to myself.

"Call me what? a ho? and Adam it's not like you're a saint when it comes to this either." She said pissed off. Hope paused and crossed her arms. Not a single tear formed in her eye, which meant she wasn't upset, she was infuriated. 

"You're supposed to be my best friend and right now you're not acting like it." Hope yelled leaving my room. She did have a point about me, but this was for her own good. I'm standing by my choice, she may not have liked it but it needed to be done. 

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