twenty one

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niall: harry

harry: niall

niall: will we come back?

harry: what do you mean?

niall: the band

niall: will we be back together?

harry: of course we will, why are you asking?

niall: I've been reading a lot of things about the fact that now we all have different lives and it's unlikely to make the band work

harry: bullshit

harry: we agreed with this hiatus because we knew we needed it, we needed time alone, we needed to find our real selves, which we lost during these five years

harry: but it doesn't mean that after this we won't fit anymore

harry: actually, I think we'll fit better than we ever have

harry: we went on this break because we want us to last

harry: also, we promised and we keep our promises

niall: you're fucking right

niall: we fit

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