Chapter 1

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"Mom, can Ray and I grab a book quick?" I asked starting to walk away. 

"Be back soon," she called after us.

"Okay!" I called over my shoulder pulling Raylin behind me. 

"Dude, calm down," she said holding onto her beanie.

"Saw this cute guy," I said scanning the small shop. 

"Go figure," she huffed. I was scanning the store, when all of a sudden, I see him. Brown hair, somewhat long, blue eyes. Taller than me. Perfect! Being 5'8 it's hard finding boys taller than you. I looked at Ray, she nodded and mouthed 'Go ahead.' So, I did.


"Hi. What's your name?" His voice was as smooth as butter, yet it was masculine.

"Kenzie. Yours?" I tucked my hair behind my ear unconsciously.

"Dean." he said running his hand through his hair. Oh gosh, I hope he can't hear my heart beating in my chest, 

"So where are you going today?" he asked.

"I'm going to Rome. Yourself?"

"You're lying, that's where I'm going."

"Wait, really?" I didn't really believe him. 

"Yeah. I'm leaving in an hour."

"So am I." Okay so this was kind of freaky nonetheless. 

"Kenz! Lets go before mom calls security." Raylin shouts.

"Oh. Right! Well,  um I'll see you later, I guess." I said walking backwards.

"Sure. Later." he clicked his tongue, and walked. I almost tripped as I turned, but caught my balance last second. I never moved faster, I was so embarrassed. 


A/N~ Hey loves! I had written some of this a loooong time ago and I decided to put it up on here so I hope you enjoy it! Love you all~ Rosie

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