Chapter 2

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"Who was that?" Raylin asked me as we wove our way through the crowded airport.

"His name is Dean. He didn't say how old he was." I sighed to her. 

"Did you learn anything about him?" 

"Other than he's drop dead gorgeous?" I sighed dreamily. 

"Of course you didn't! He could have a criminal record!" Raylin is seriously concerned. It was honestly scary at how concerned she was. 

"I don't think so Ray. He is going to be on our flight. I'll tell Mom and Dad after." I said hurriedly as we quickly approached our parents. 

"GIRLS! Where have you been?!" my mom screamed at us. Several people turned to us, some look worried and others look scared. 

"Relax Mom. We were at the shop like two terminals away. I just wanted to see if they had any good books or snacks. But they didn't." I explained trying not to give away Dean.

"Yeah they had something you liked but it wasn't for sale." Raylin whispered to me.

"Shut up punk." I whispered hitting her arm.

"Well at least you girls are safe," my dad said. 

Freeze for a second! My parents worry about  everything! I'm surprised they haven't put a tracker on us. Wait. Maybe they have.... I shook my head escaping my thoughts.

"At least you didn't call security to find us." Raylin said jokingly. My parents didn't laugh they looked nervous. 

"Oh my gosh! You called security?!" I yelled. "This is crazy we were gone for what? 20 minutes?!" 

"You guys need to calm down and chillax!I'm 17 and Kenzie is 19! I wouldn't walk away from her and she wouldn't leave me!" Ray was going off on them like crazy.

"Girls calm down. We didn't call security. We had you paged. I guess you didn't hear us in all this craziness." my dad said. Now he's not as uptight but still, he gets crazy ideas. Such as paging us. 

"Like that makes up for you being crazy over protective!" I rolled my eyes walking to a seat digging my book up.

"Just go sit down!" my mom hissed at us.

"We are!" we said back. Ray layed her head on my lap. I rubbed her face when I used to when she was a kid. We had about 30 minutes  before we could board the plane. Raylin fell asleep, so I started reading my book. 

~~ 30 minutes later~~ 

"Now boarding flight 1813 to Rome. Can rows  CC to M please start boarding? Thank you!" the flight attendant announced on the speaker. 

I put my book away before bending over to kiss Raylin's forehead, she stirred slightly. 

"Sweetie it's time to wake up we will be boarding soon."  I said sweetly. My legs had fallen asleep from her laying on me. 

"What?" she was half asleep. I lightly nugged her, she fell off the seat. I couldn't help but laugh and she couldn't help to hit me.

"Hey what was that for?" I said in between my giggles. 

"You pushed me!" Ray said brushing herself off from the non existent dirt. She pulled her blonde hair back into a french braid. 

"You're fatass made my legs fall asleep!"

"Girls! Enough!" my mom yelled at us.

"Will rows W to R please start boarding." I pulled my bag together, grabbed Raylin's bag and her hand, as I made my way over to our parents. They are in their mid-forties. My dad has brown hair and my mom has blonde.

"You're big head was making my legs fall asleep," I shook my legs for emphasis.

"You're so lame!" Raylin laughed shoving me into someone.

"Oh! Sorry!" I said to the person, I looked up. No. Way. 

"It's okay. Hey have we met before?" Jason said, flipping his hair. Raylin stood in shock, my parents seemed confused.

"No. I don't think so." I gave him a quick pleading look.

"Oh you look like someone I know." he gave me a smile and a quick almost unseeable nod.

"Thank you." I mouthed before saying "Well I guess I might see you around."

"Sure." he walked away, turning around flashing me a smile. GAH! I could've died! 

"Kenzie! Hurry up! Unless you don't want to go to Rome!" Raylin yelled walking to the terminal door.

"Oh geez! Coming!" I ran to the runway, showed the attendant my ticket and walked onto the plane.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2019 ⏰

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