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She's the type of girl who would hold you while you cry, and stand up all night just to make sure that you're okay, even if she's the one breaking sometimes. That's what I fell for, her beauty, and caring personality. She never meant to hurt anyone, and if she did it was unintentional. We parted ways in the end, after almost 3 years. I thought about her all the time, that's why I got a new girl, to take my mind of Daisy, but She was the type of girl  who will stay up all night listening to music that reminds her of her current situation. The girl who hide their fears, hurt, pain and tears under their smiles and laughs on a daily basis. The girl who wear her heart on her sleeve. The girl who prays things will work out just once and they'll be satisfied. The girl that who screams and cries into her pillow because the rest of the world fails to listen. To the girl that has it hard but don't let anyone know that. The girl that never had it easy. The girl that has so many secrets but would never tell a soul. The girl that has mistakes and regrets as a daily moral. the girl that never win. the girls to stay up all night worrying one boy is thinking about her. the girl that get what they get and don't complain complain. The girl that take life as it comes hoping that it will get easier as some time down the road. And the girl that love with all their heart but always get them broken. Sometimes someone comes into your life, and they change everything. They raise the standards, make you laugh, and make you feel like you. And there's something about her that you can't put into words and even though you don't have her anymore you'll always love her and never let her go. Lately I've been thinking about who I want to love and how I want to love,  and why I want to love the way I love, and also what I need to learn to love that way,  and when I break it all down,  it sounds something like this; before I die, I want to be someone's favourite hello and hardest goodbye. I want someone that can care for me and love me the way that I deserve to be loved and I know that sometimes I don't deserve to be loved. But I swear with all my heart I will take that love. And I am absolutely certain that I will keep that loves safe,  I will keep it safe. But you know what sucks, no one loves me,i've gotten so used to not seeing you every day that I can cope now I can go through a day. Just fine without you, I can be alone or I can be with friends and I will be completely fine and happy, but when I suddenly see couples together smiling and laughing, looking into each other's eyes, cuddling, or simply holding hands; that's when I don't feel a strong, and my heart starts to ache and I feel like breaking down. I try and stay strong every day I mean that's what I've been doing this whole time, But I'm always going to see that couple and wish that you were here with me. It sucks, it sucks that I can't hug, see, or simply be with the person I love so much but,  this is the decision we both made but I regret it. I regret leaving her, and I regret breaking her heart. It sucks because I saw you today, and all the memories came flooding back, it was as if a voice turned on a faucet within me. My heart began pumping water through my veins until my whole body was drowning, water poured from my mind and dripped out of my eyes, and my soul swam and swam, then it hit me... I was no more than a drop in the ocean, and that I didn't need water to drown. Me it makes me sad, because she was the type of girl who was always smiling, and laughing. If you are feeling down, and she will be right there to pick you up, it's like her job. She is the one who will always be saying sorry, even if it's not her fault, even if she feels like scum on the earth, she will never let you know, and I let her go... I let the love of my life go.

The Invisible GirlOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora