Chapter 1

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​"Ms. Blake, I'm going to need you to come down to the police station with me. Ms. Blake, please. Do you have someone you want to come down with you?" The police officers continued to talk at me, but I heard nothing. It all went in one ear and out the other. The red and blue lights were flashing all around me and people from the neighborhood began to gather around.
​"Avery!" I heard my best friend's voice yelling over the crowd. I turned around and saw Logan rushing towards me, with Parker and Jett right behind him. Logan embraced me and held me tighter than he ever had before, but I couldn't hug him back, I couldn't breathe. I felt like my world around me was crashing down.
​"Ms. Blake, please if you..." The police officer continued to talk at me again. I didn't really hear anything that he said, but Logan did and he pulled me along as far as I could go without totally collapsing. My legs gave out, my lungs felt like they were on fire and I couldn't see straight. I couldn't breathe, and my stomach was in knots. I couldn't move. Logan tried talking to me, but I didn't hear anything he was saying. He finally picked me up and carried me to a car.
​The same questions kept rambling through my brain. Who could do something this morbid? Who would want to hurt them?  What did they do to deserve this? And why am I the only one left?

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