Chapter 5:Jet

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* hey my faithful readers, sorry about the delay, my tablet is broken so I'm using my phone. So if you have any ideas, PLEASE COMMENT!!!!!!! AND SHARE!!!! AND VOTE!!!  

As always, 


I asked,"Is everyone ready? Good. This is the last time the Fire Nation invades our home!" I yelled to the dozen or so Freedom Fighters gathered around me.

'Finally, after Katara, Aang, and Sokka betrayed me I get my revenge! But why would Katara betray me? I thought we had something. Or... was I just me? Had I fallen for the girl who stabbed me in the back?'

Smellerbee and Longshot each grabbed an arm to stop me from pacing. "Jet, stop! Your going to drive yourself nuts. Why don't you sit down and relax? Have some leeche juice. Longshot and I can take care of this." Smellerbee said.

I sighed. It would be nice to relax for once but I have work to do." I have to do this! Trust me, after this one the Fire Nation Will NEVER set foot in our woods again! They will finally pay for killing our parents! What do the scouts say?"

" The Duke said the company are all firebenders, and are armed with spears. He also said the Fire Nation princess is with them, and are holding a prisoner." Smellerbee replied, stepping back to stand next to Longshot.

My eyes flew open at the mention of Azula. I couldn't believe that the Freedom Fighters had this opportunity, this final stroke of revenge.  

''Hmmmmm.... I wonder who the prisoner is. Ok, new plan, listen closely!"

After a few adjustments, and about an hour later, my attack force was ready. It consisted of me, Longshot, Pipsqueak, The Duke, and Smellerbee. We positioned ourselves in the trees where we lying in wait for our prey. Finally the procession stopped nearby to make camp for the night. I whistled then listened for a reply. I knew we were ready. It was time to strike back. We leapt into action, all of us jumped a guard who quickly fell to our blows. I whispered, " I'll find the prisoner, you guys cover for me. Try to be as quiet as possible. Meet back at the hideout in half an hour." Everyone nodded, then began searching through the supplies. I snuck around, avoiding the largest tent,which belonged to the Fire Nation princess. Soon I came to another slightly smaller tent in which the prisoner was held. Inside the tent, I saw a figure with long dark hair. His hands were chained to a thick, steel pole driven into the ground. Grabbing my swords I brought them smashing down on the chain. The noise of the chains breaking awoke the stranger. He sat  upright, careful to keep the left side of his face hidden.

''Come on, Freedom is calling you. Join us.''

The prisoner stood up and joined Jet, running towards the edge of the wood. The shouts faded as he ran on and on. He thought,' I have to get back to Katara, and the others!'

Sunlight began to filter through the branches just as Zuko stepped into the clearing that had helms their campsite. Now all that was left was a small scorch mark. Zuko sank to his knees, filled with exhaustion and defeat.

'What Azula is true; they left me. I will find them, always! I promised myself. But for now I need some supplies.....'

*AN: hahaha! I am evil for giving you guys such a cliffhanger!! But you know you love me. Thanks again,


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