Chapter 15: Toph (continued)

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Yeah, I know. Another cliffhanger. But this chapter there will be no cliffhanger.

as always,



"Sokka, we'll find her. She can't have gotten far. I promise. we will find her." I said. I sighed, I hate seeing Sokka upset. I could almost feel his pain. I bent down, pressing my hand into the earth. Only small vibrations reached me. In the far distance I felt something huge move.

Sokka replied,"I'm just worried. Who knows where she is? Have you felt something?". I nodded. I ran closer to the movement, Sokka following. We got out of the woods and onto the beach. I hated sand! I couldn't see as well. But before I could do anything, Sokka grabbed my hand and pulled me behind a bush. My heart beat faster as I realized that he hadn't let go of my hand.

"Its Azula. She's with Katara! Let's go get her!" He whispered. I took my hand out of his hand, moving it to his arm. His muscles tightened, and I blushed. Pushing aside my feelings, I said," Sokka, stop. We can't take on an entire ship of benders! Not including Azula. Think about this. Please. For me."

Sokka replied," OK. But what are we going to do? We don't even know where they are going!"  We froze when someone stepped out to the end of the ship. I heard something hit the sand, something small. Before I could ask Sokka what it was, the ship moved away, the sound becoming dim. I felt Sokka stand. Getting up, I brushed the irritating sand off my feet. Well, I tried. I grabbed Sokka's hand and let him lead me to the thing they had thrown onto the sand.

I heard paper rustling as Sokka opened it. He read it out loud. "Sokka and Toph, I'm OK. She just needs a waterbender to open something. its on Roku's island. Don't worry, I will be back soon. With love, Katara."

A million thoughts ran through my head. Was this one of Azula's tricks? Was it possible that Katara would help Azula? What's going on? I began to walk back to the inn dragging Sokka.

When we got back, it was not long after the dinner rush. The old man was washing plates. Sokka asked for paper and ink, which the man gladly complied. Sokka sat at an empty table, while I helped wash the dishes.  Sokka rolled it up and said,"I'm sending a message to Aang. He should know, being the Avatar and all. I'll send it by messenger bird." He left.

Soon he came back, and we went to bed, exhausted. I stay awake and thought about things, events of the day.


I know, I know. its short. but I will make up for it in the next chapter!

as always,


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