(Hunter x Hunter) Chrollo Lucifer

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You looked at all the colors inside the ballroom. An array of red and gold shades swept the ballroom, fitting the people dancing. Laughter and music filled your ears as you stayed in the same spot against the wall.

Every billionaire from the mafia was here. All those from America, Cameroon, Germany, Japan, etc. Some of which complimented you on your crimson dress or flirted with you before asking for a dance. "No, thank you. I don't like to dance," you replied.

The clock struck ten. Time for all the guests to put on their masks. It was a tradition to hide yourself away from any intruders that may appear later into the event. After putting on your mask, you spotted a figure in black across the room. He wasn't there before.

Almost as if he sensed your curiosity, the mysterious figure disappeared into the crowd. "Where did you go mister?" you questioned. You found yourself searching through the crowd of billionaires and prostitutes for the man that had peeked your interest.

"Where are y-"

"Looking for me?"

Your vision went dark as a blindfold was placed over your eyes.

"May I have this dance?"

"What is your name?"

"I'll take that as a yes."

The man twirled you around with elegance. Your moves matched his perfect sync like a flame following a torch as it lights a path.

It felt like an eternity before the dance ended. The man pulled you close enough for him to whisper in your ear. "It's been a treat, but I must go. Death follows the ones who cross my path."

He traced letters in your hand, then his touch disappeared. You took off the blindfold and looked at your hand. There was the name Chrollo Lucifer in red and black spider-like letters.

"Huh," you scoffed. "Who knew dancing with the devil would be this exciting."

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