Ha Seok-Jin

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Set in 1700s, short but sweet

For the fifth time tonight, you picked up the fine tip quill beside the blank sheet of paper. Your newest play had to be fully written by dawn of tomorrow, but no words were swimming through your head. Even the candle light seem to burn brigther than any of your ideas. So, time and time again, the quill was placed back on the table with a soft thud.

"Still conjuring ideas in the night, my love?" A deep, rich voice becked from the darkness.

"I'm sorry I awoke you, love. My mind appears to have hit a wall; a boundary that restrains my nerves from moving my hand to write a masterpiece for thy king."

Ha Seok Jin, your husband of ten years and actor of twice as long, removed himself from your shared cotton comforter. "I imagine it is sleep you yearn for." His arms wrapped themselves around your being. "The boat ride must've drained your energy."

You huffed in frustration. The mere thought of resting sounded inviting, especially with a man like Seok-Jin by your side. "Maybe," you whispered, "maybe an hour or two will refresh my thoughts, hmm?"

"I couldn't agree more." Your husband lightly took your hand and led you to the awaiting bed. Lying down, curling into one another, sleep overcame the both of you.

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