C H A P T E R 2 1_

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I wonder around the base idly that day in just army pants, a t-shirt, and a loose fitted military jacket made for men.

I don't talk really, just watch the others go about what they are supposed to do as I just behave in deep thought.

Loki is no where to be found but I don't search for him.

I try to convince everyone that they should get Barton's family and the others out of here, take them to the military camps up north but they... they just don't listen. I can't tell them about the invasion and I know they wouldn't believe me either. Anything I try is useless.

All I can do was just go on with our plan...


I walk around then, not sure what to do... until I spot Agent Barton sitting on some large hunks of rubble in deep thought. His wife had just been speaking to him not long ago and I don't know what he's thinking about.

I hesitate. He doesn't see me as I am at a good distance from him... as I stand there. I haven't ever spoken to him... not really. At this point I have talked deeply to everyone in this base except him... maybe there's a reason for that...

But I need this.

I step up casually and sit down on the ground close to where he is, leaning against a barrier. "...I didn't know you had kids," I eventually say.

"No one did. I kept them secret from everyone, even S.H.I.E.L.D... but Hydra is something else."

"I learned long ago they are as unavoidable as the air we breathe, and as numerous as the stones under your feet

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"I learned long ago they are as unavoidable as the air we breathe, and as numerous as the stones under your feet... I've just learned how to cheat the system over the years."

He thinks on that but doesn't say anything.

I pull out a flask and take a sip before offering it to him.

He frowns and looks at me questioningly.

He frowns and looks at me questioningly

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"It's Stark's," I say plainly.

"It's Stark's," I say plainly

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