Deez Nutz Your Mouth Part 22 New-Years Special

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"Ah yes! Fuck me harder!" Jasmine screamed as Jason fucked her senselessly from behind. "Your so much better than Justin!"

"No the fuck he isn't!" Justin yelled before bringing an ax to Jason's head. As Jason's corpse fell on Jasmine she screamed. "What the fuck! Why must you kill everyone?" She yelled before throwing Jason off of her and rushing to the bathroom. Her baby was starting to show but not enough to the point where she looked pregnant.

"I propose to you and you cheat on me," Justin said before raising the ax to the back of her neck.

"Please. Forgive me," Jasmine begged. "Is that baby even mine?" Justin asked angrily.

"Yes. I swear if you don't believe me we can take a test," Jasmine said in fear.

"Fine. I believe you," Justin said while putting the ax down. "But if I find out it isn't, I'm killing the you and the baby. The baby first though so you can watch it die and scream in pain," Justin said before leaving Jasmine's apartment with his ax and heading home.

On the next episode of Deez Nutz Your Mouth, Justin and Jasmine have their baby.

Deez Nutz Your Mouth (Book 1 Of The Deez Nutz SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now