Chapter 4

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Trace's POV

"Today was a good day my friend. I kissed a pretty girl and she was really pretty. Does she actually like me? I mean, do you think she likes me Barry?" I asked Barry. He was the only one I trusted.

"Huh? The blue one goes well with you." He said pointing at the blue polo shirt I was holding. Oh yeah, I forgot I was asking Barry what to wear today.

"Hey dude, are you okay? You're doing it again."

"Doing what again?"

"Well, you're talking about Lauren. You were talking about how perfect she is and if she liked you back. Don't get me wrong, I love her to-"

"You love her too?! Looks like I have another enemy to defeat."

"Trace!! I love her like a friend. Not love love. Relax, I would never take a girl that you're interested in. Especially this one. But she is really pretty though."


"Alright hands off okay I know." He said while surrendering his hands in the air.

I chuckled a little. This was why Barry was my best friend. He jokes around and never takes a girl that i'm interested in.

"Anyway, I'm here if you need me buddy. I can tell that you need lots of help. All kinds of help. From different universes an-"

"Okay Barry I get it! I need help."

"Lots of help." He mumbled.

"Barry!" I nudged my elbow under his arm.

"Ouch! Okay I'll stop! Sheesh." I chuckled as I put on the blue polo shirt.

"But you'd better hurry though." He said with a worried face.


"Because of VJ. He likes her too right?"

"I don't think she'll like him anymore." I smirked.

"Why? Every girl loves VJ."

"Well if I tell you, promise not to tell anyone especially VJ."

"I promise. Would you want a pinkie swear too?"

"What? That's so childish of you Barry."

"Do you want me to keep your secret or not?" He asked, holding out his pinkie. I groaned and held out my pinkie.

"Barry, do you pinkie swear to keep this secret?"

"I pinkie swear to keep any secret." He smiled.

"Now where's that bottle of coke?" He got up from the bed.

"Wait, why are you suddenly talking about c- it's in the fridge." I pointed at the mini fridge on the other side of the room. He opened the mini fridge while taking two bottles of coke.

He walked to me and passed me a bottle. I opened the bottle and i could hear a sizzle. I heard one from Barry and he started to drink his bottle.

"So umm, you know about letting our fans kissing us at meet and greet before the concert right?" Barry nodded and he was still drinking. Wow, isn't it too gassy or something?

"Umm, Lauren saw VJ kissing a chick and I did'nt explain to- her."

Barry spit the coke out of his mouth. "WHATTTT!?!??"

I drank my bottle of coke to ignore Barry.

"Dude you gotta tell VJ." I spitted the coke in my mouth.


"Well, VJ liked her. Like, like like. I've never seen him liking a girl like this. C'mon man, if he finds out that you kept it a secret from him, he'll kill you."

"But I like her.."

"I know man. But you gotta do right for love. Wise words from Doctor Barry, the love doctor." He said while doing jazz hands.

"Since when do you know about love?"

"I don't have experience but I'm sympathizing." He winked at me. I chuckled at his lame joke.

"Anyway you gotta tell him bro." He said while taking his phone.

"Yeah Im going to tell VJ about it."

"And you're gonna be honest with him." He said while tapping on the screen of his phone.

"Im going to tell him right to his face."

"And you ain't gonna lie." He said while looking up from his phone.

"And I ain't gonna lie."

"Are you ready?"


"Oh cool, because I already asked VJ to come her-"


"What? You said you were ready."


"He's closer than you'll ever imagine."

"Barry you're an idiot."

"You'll thank me later." He flashed a smile.



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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2016 ⏰

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