Chapter One

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Ian pushed his tinted glasses up to the bridge of his nose with one hand, while holding a clipboard with a pen chained to it in the other. The steel cell smelled of mildew and stale air as it was located in bottom floor of Arkham Asylum. Killer Croc, a gigantic man with the characteristics of a crocodile, was chained to the floor with an inhibitor collar around his neck. His eyes narrowed menacingly at the at the young black haired psychiatrist in front of him and his mouth was pulled back into a snarl, showing all seventy-six of his sharp pointy teeth.

"How are you today Mr. Jones?" Ian asked calmly.

The question caused the man to strain against the chains that bound him and attempt to use his claws to decapitate the doctor. Ian simply took a step back with his face still impassive. The only sign of fear that he showed was the slight tightening of his hands on the clipboard.

"What do you want!?" Killer Croc roared.

"To talk to you. It's what we've done every session since my arrival." Ian walked over to Killer Croc and sat Indian style a mere five feet from the villain. He took the pen in his left hand and positioned it in front of the lined paper attached to the clipboard.

In seconds Killer Croc could rip Ian's body to shreds with his claws or use his teeth to bite off the man's head. Instead, with a bewildered expression, he scooted back against the wall and repositioned himself so he could sit down without the chains bothering him.

Seeing this the doctor smiled. "I'm glad. I didn't want them to shock you like last time. I don't like seeing you in any pain."

"Why"-Killer Croc licked his lips-"why do you keep coming back?"

"I want to help you."

This evoked a dark laugh from the mutant that echoed throughout the cell. "What will it amount to? Nothing can change what I am."

"And I'm not trying to"-Ian inclined his head downward and wrote something down on the paper-"But I believe that you can become something more than a criminal."

Killer Croc shook his head. "Not a place in society for freaks like me."

The doctor looked up, his green eyes incredibly sincere. "You aren't a freak Mr. Jones. Your disease makes you unique, stronger than us average mortals."- he cracked a small smile-"Though I can understand your belief. It isn't easy trying to make a living in a world full of prejudices."

Ian placed a hand on Killer Croc's thick scaly skin when he didn't respond. "I know what you're thinking. I'm not lying."

"You should transfer to a real hospital. You're not like the other doctors."

The young man laughed and pulled his hand away. "That's what my wife says, but the people at upstate mental facilities don't need me as much as the patients here do." He reached into the inside of his white coat and pulled out his wallet. Upon opening it Killer Croc was presented with a picture of the doctor's wife, a woman named Helena. The picture showed her wearing a golden necklace that accented her porcelain features with her chestnut colored hair tied back into loose bun.

The doctor looked at the picture with a fond expression. "She's making her famous lasagna tonight"-he paused for a moment-"Did you want some?"

Killer Croc shifted his head to the side with his face scrunched up in an uncomfortable expression. "You shouldn't go around telling people about your wife."

Ian stood up and put away his wallet. "I don't, the only reason I'm telling you is because I trust you not to hurt her. Am I wrong?"

At Killer Croc's resigned silence the doctor smiled and opened the door to the cell to leave. "See you next week Mr. Jones." 

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