You're Beautiful

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You may have lost your mind,
thinking that there was no hope.
But there always is;
You're beautiful.
It doesn't matter who you are,
or where you're from;
There was always a light at the end of the tunnel.
There is hope; you just have to look up.
Look at the stars...
Look at how they shine because of your existence.
Everything about you was always beautiful;
You just chose to never see it.
But one day, you just finally might.
Make that day today;
Shoot to be successful, and to love yourself.
Recognize the love others have for you;
see how truly beautiful you are.
Don't vow to remain speechless, but to speak your intellectual mind.
Tell yourself that you're beautiful every single minute of every single day.
Believe in yourself; it'll only be worth it in the end.

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