If I'm Honest

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I am broken, but it's only fault of what I have created.
I can only blame myself; it's definitely not you.
Even if it all may seem to be looking that way.

Only you can tell me where we stand.
That way we can continue this or end it completely.
My words cut deeper than a knife,
And I know that it is so.
I do not fancy hurting you; it only hurts the both of us.

It just may not have been the right time.
But we have created the greatest love story that is known to man.
Being away from you does kill me inside.
Who am I to decide what happens between us?

I'm just a seventeen year old girl still trying to figure out life.
You're wiser...older; you know how to deal with this.
Yes. I miss you.
But only you can change the future for you, and us.

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