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It was the night of their last show with Chris. Despite the knowledge that it was the end of an era weighing on everyone's minds, there had been more smiles and jokes than sniffles and tears, and overall it had been a great show. They took a moment to seriously thank the audience for their continued support and love, said their last goodbyes (met with a standing ovation) and went backstage. With about 45 minutes before the start of the patreon party, they headed to get some drinks and chill out before they had to go back under the bright lights.

As they sat with their drinks, Chris, Austin and Rob were talking animatedly about something or other, Adam was focused on his phone, and Tim was... Well, Tim was staring into his drink, head in the clouds. He wasn't particularly down, just overwhelmed. Although the others were obviously sad that Chris was leaving, they seemed to be taking it all in their stride. Over the years, they had become like a second family, and Tim's couple tears during the show didn't even touch the well of them harboring in his heart.

"- right, Tim?" He barely even caught his name, only realizing he was being spoken when the talkative trio looked at him, obviously waiting for an answer.

He stared back at them for a moment, hoping they didn't think he was being rude. "Uh. Sure?"

Rob and Chris chuckled, and got to filling him in on the conversation. Austin stayed quiet, looking at him with concern. He knew that Tim was taking it hard, but he wasn't sure what to do or say that could make it any easier on him. 

When Rob and Chris got off topic and the conversation shifted back to them, Tim excused himself, but Austin was the only one that noticed. He sighed, and joined back in talking with the others.

With 10 minutes to go before they needed to head back, Tim still hadn't returned. The party would be more informal and casual, with little to no scripting beyond the live album throwback section, so it wasn't like they needed to run through a whole show, and the set list was taped to the floor in front of them anyway. Regardless, Austin was worried for his friend.

"D'ya think Tim's okay? We gotta be getting back pretty soon." Austin mentioned, concern evident in his voice. He didn't want to bring attention to the guy when he clearly needed space, but also worried that he needed some emotional support, or would miss his call for the party.

"He'll be back in time, he's probably just getting some air. Those lights are brutal." Rob replied nonchalantly and picked up his drink, frowning in disappointment when he realized it was empty.

It did nothing to calm Austin's nerves, but he nodded anyway. "Hey, you want another one?" He pointed at his empty cup, and Rob accepted gratefully. He grabbed the cardboard cups and walked towards the table of food and drink set out for them, but quickly handed them to a stagehand and asked him to fill them and take them back to where they were sat. Without looking back, he slipped away to go find Tim.

He walked the halls of the venue, checking every room he could think of that they had access to, including the toilets and an unlocked supply closet. Though he didn't think Tim would go due to the crowd, he tried to remain unnoticed as he stuck his head through the doors to the bar, but he wasn't there, either. When he was just about to give up and return to the guys, he had an idea, and whipped out his phone to text the tour bus driver.

Sure enough, Tim was on the tour bus. Austin checked the time and broke out into a sprint across both the parking lot and the overflow parking lot to where their bus was parked, his legs and lungs resenting him by the time he reached the bus doors. The driver let him on and he threw up a hand in thanks as he ran up the steps and down the bus, to come face-to-face with a very confused brunet.

Tim raised an eyebrow at him as he doubled over, trying to catch his breath. "...What are you doing?"

"I could ask you the same thing." He straightened up, taking a shaky breath, "What the hell, man? There's like 5 minutes 'til the party."

"Shit." Tim looked at the time on his phone, and lit by the screen Austin could see the redness around his eyes. He sighed and perched on the edge of the seat beside his friend, rubbing his hands together nervously and studying the wall for inspiration as he thought of what to say.

"I know this is hard for you," He started tentatively, his voice calmer and quieter than it had been, "I just want you to know that you're not alone in feeling sad about all this." He patted Tim's knee awkwardly; consolation had never been his strong point. "Just- if you need to talk or whatever, I'm here for you. We all are."

Tim didn't reply, and Austin figured he was just blowing him off until he glanced at him and realized he hadn't spoken because he was holding back tears, his hands pressed over his eyes and his lips in a tight line. When the younger put a hand on his shoulder, Tim choked back a sob, his walls crumbling. Austin pulled him against his chest, wrapping his arms around the sobbing man and rubbing his back as he cried it out.

"Hey, hey, it's okay. You still got us." He gently moved some hair behind Tim's ear so he could see him better, "Though, maybe that's why you're crying."

Tim laughed a little and then sniffled, his tears lessening.

"And we have Chance now! Y'all can have bass-offs, see who can cause the biggest earthquake." Tim smiled again, and took a steadying breath. He hesitantly sat up a little and Austin smiled back at him, placing his hand back on Tim's shoulder to ground him. After a moment, Tim made eye contact and held it, his smile weary but grateful.

"Thank you."

"No need to thank me, man. That's what friends are for." Remembering the time, he checked his phone and quickly stood. "But we really need to get back. You good?" He asked, holding out a hand to help up his friend, who took it and then scrubbed his hands over his face with a sigh.

"Good as I'll ever be."

Austin patted his arm with a proud smile and lead the way off the bus, thanking the driver as they left, and they ran back inside to regroup. 

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