1. She's My Daughter

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Deeks POV

Kens and I have spent the last week working hard on a case set up by assistant director granger. We were posing as a wealthy married couple in charge of an underground drug ring. The men who supply our 'business' were responsible for the deaths of two navy lieutenants.

We'd finally had a meeting set up in our cover house. Sam and Callen were there as our personal security and Nell was dressed up as a housekeeper tidying up the house

Callen: okay guys we need to be ready for anything. The car just pulled up so get into positions. Deeks, kensi you've been talking g with this guy for two weeks bow, so if you feel like there's a problem work the word yellow into the conversation to let us know

Kensi: that's easy enough

He handed Nell a gun and she went into the other room to watch the camera feed. Not long after the dealer by the name of carlos Gomez arrived in with three of his guys with him. We all sat together in the living room of our cover house

Kensi: do you have the stuff we ordered?

One of his guys opened a brief case filled with a few packages of cocaine inside

Carlos: this is just the sample, your order is in the truck outside

Kensi: what? You don't trust me? You made me wait two weeks just to meet you and you don't have my stuff? We do t do business this way carlos

Carlos: we have the stuff, send your boys to help my guys bring it in, unless that's a problem for you

Kensi: no problem, have the house keeper bring in a bottle of Red wine while your at it

Sam: you sure you would t prefer white wine ma'am?

"My wife asked for red, I suggest you bring red" I assured having the same bad feeling about this as fern did

Callen: yes sir

The guys headed out with the men carlos brought with him closing the door behind them, we almost immediately became face to face with the barrel of a gun "whoa, what's going on here?" I asked

Carlos: you tell me detective deeks

He grabbed fern by the hair with his gun aimed at her head which!e mine was so ed at his

Kensi: take the shot Deeks

Carlos: I've been watching you, I know you won't risk me blowing her brains out because you actually do have feelings for her. The way you look at her, the way she looks at you. I know that's not something you can fake.

Fern elbowed him in the gut and I took that chance to take the shot but he fired at the same time. I put two in his chest, but his bullet grazed Fern's arm. We heard shots fired outside and immediately went to assist sam and callen who already had things under control

Sam: I could really go for that glass of red wine right about now

Kensi: tell me about it. I'm gla we got this over with and are finally able to go home. I was starting to get tired of my husband here

"Yeah and my wife is the messiest person in the world. I'm pretty sure nell agrees with me right little red?"

Nell: I want no part of this. I'm just ready to get back up to ops for a while, it's eight am and we've still got the entire day ahead of us

Kensi's POV

I have to admit that it was a nice feeling having someone to wake up to every morning. Deeks and I really got invested in the role of a married couple, I guess we got a little too comfortable together. Hetty was right about this case bringing about unfamiliar feelings and emotions, or maybe it just brought up feelings that was always there, either way My life is far too complicated right now for me to be thinking about dating, especially dating my partner.

The guys and I all headed back to ops where we changed into our own clothes

Nell: hetty said we can all take the day off a d since its Friday we don't need to be back here until Monday. Eric and I were headed out for breakfast, you guys in?

The guys all agreed, but I hadn't been home for two weeks I needed to check in on my little girl knowing how much she hates needing a babysitter. I couldn't make it out today seeing as how I have plans with someone else "maybe next time" I told her while packing my bag

Deeks: come on fern, since when do you refuse food?

"Since I had other plans, see you on Monday partner" I gave him a pat on the back picking up my bag ready to head out when Hetty and granger approached us

Hetty: I'm afraid your weekend plans will have to wait, we've caught a case that's hit a little too close to home

Granger: at 0700 a teenage girl was kidnapped while on her way to what looks like a ballet class

Sam: isn't this a case for the LAPD? What does this have to do with NCIS?

Granger: you can see for yourself

He had eric come down an put the video footage up on the monitor, my heart literally sank at the sight. That wasn't just any girl, that was my girl all in her black sports bra, long black leggings and her sneakers with her hair held up in a bun, she was headed in when two men grabbed her, she fought like hell and managed to break free of their grasp dropping he bag and bolting down the street. Eric hacked Into the street camera footage and gotthe whole chase which was a long one. The man dressed in black caught her arm and she kicked him between the legs then punched him in the face before running into traffic being hit by a car. The driver came out to check on her but she got up and continued running but not as fast because it looked like she injured her foot and that's how they caught her all gbthe beach dragging her into a white van and that was the end of it

Deeks: that's one badass ballerina, those guys would have never caught that kid. Who is she?

Granger: the girl in the video hasn't yet been identified. We're running this facial recognition, but we were hoping Blye could answer that since the DNA from the girl's blood found at the crime scene is a match to hers and her number is on speed dial in the cell phone found in the girl's bag. We also got this video message moments after the girls was taken

Eric pulled up another video on the monitor. My little girl was strapped to a chair struggling as hard as she could to free herself but couldn't. A man came up behind her pulling her hair back then began speaking into camera "Special agent Blye, it appears that I've got something of great value to you. You've got 24 hours to return my brother to me or the girl dies. If she continues putting up such a struggle she might have less time" with that being said the screen went dark. I tried as hard as I could to keep my emotions under control, but it seemed impossible keeping my tears at bay. He took my little girl, she's all I've got and because of me she's in danger

Eric had her photo up on the screen running it through facial recognition

Eric had her photo up on the screen running it through facial recognition

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Deeks: Kens who is she?

"Her name is Kylie, she's my daughter" I told them after becoming unable to hold back the tears that began streaming endlessly down my face. I couldn't be here doing nothing. I had to find my little girl

To be continued................................................

Her Daughter (Kensi Blye) UNEDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now