Arabella Jones

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Arabella Jones.

These series of unfortunate events came along with Rider Jacobs. They were as you would call a package deal.

I stared at the two dumbfounded detectives who were saying nothing but irrelevant words to see what know about Rider.

The names tastes so vile off my tongue so foreign.

The woman stared at me with pity as she knew who I was keyword was.

I was smarter than those two detectives who had college degrees. I could see the tape recorder covers with paint trying to camouflage into the wall. I knew someone was watching me from the other side of the glass.

I knew they would twist up words and rearrange my vocabulary to get what they wanted.

"Arabella we know you and Rider were a couple and planning to wed so know we need you to act like a mature adult and tells us how you met Rider and where you last saw him" the red head said.

Young adult. I'm 18 years old please. I've done more things with my life than they've done in 43 years.

"How did you meet Rider " "where's Rider?" keeps replaying in my head my heads spinning as I think of the first day my eyes laid on Rider. The day the mysterious boy turned my life upside down forever.

I can feel my pulse Quickening as I play with the ends of Riders leather jacket.

My throats dry but I can still remember that day as if it was yesterday.

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